If you’re in San Diego (or anywhere in SoCal for that matter) and want to meet up socially with a few of us bloggers, e-mail me for deails! We will be meeting for dinner/drinks in the Del Mar area on Friday, January 30 at 6:30PM.
If you’re in San Diego (or anywhere in SoCal for that matter) and want to meet up socially with a few of us bloggers, e-mail me for deails! We will be meeting for dinner/drinks in the Del Mar area on Friday, January 30 at 6:30PM.
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I feel so left out. Can you set up a web-cam? Can I send you a life-sized poster of myself? Oh hell, just have fun! I’ll be jealous.
I want to come, I want to come!! I’ll cover my nips! I’ll behave! Send me details and let me see if I can make it!! Woo Hoo!! You people are so much more fun than these stuck up OC bitches!!
I’m working, otherwise I’d be there. Got a shoot that night. (You guys always pick the ONE night I have something planned. I go months and months with nothing to do and then…this.)
Have a great time!
San Diego, where’s that? Anywhere near London? If it’s somewhere the other side of the pond then I don’t think I’ll be able to make it :(
Dude…I’m totally going to be in San Diego tomorrow…BUT…for work. Waah.
Damnit I knew I should have moved to San Diego instead of Phoenix. Ok, yea that wasn’t really an option but I wish I could join you. Have lots o fun!
I already have plans – which fortunately were my idea and I’m stoked about, or else I’d be kicking something and screaming “phooey” – cause I want to meet fun blogging cool people in Del Mar for drinks on Friday!
Have fun! Hopefully there will be another one soon?