The winner is Da Goddess!
How would you like to win a $30 Children’s Place Gift Card?
Just leave a comment here and you are instantly entered. I will select a random winner on January 8 at 5PM.
And just so you know: I really do like the Children’s Place. I’m not being a tool even if they sent Toots some pajamas. Because you know what? She likes the pajamas and so do I, when they don’t have pee on them.
We’re working on that part.
Good luck!
Hey!! How are ya doing San Diego Momma? I don’t need the gift card, unless they have boys clothes in a HUSKY Size 16….
Oh my Sunrise needs pjs. That would be so cool! Thanks for the contest.
Me me me me memememememememe
I would love to win a gift card. I foresee a mother-daughter shopping trip in my future.
I like their stuff (but the pants don’t fit Zoe waist-to-hip as the pants of a five year old — or any child under the age of 16 — should fit). Their pajamas hold up really well.
Oooo. Gift card. Oooo.
Yes! I also love The Children’s Place jammies — they tend to have a skinny fit, which makes me feel more comfortable with my little one sleeping, plus they just look so darned cute on my daughter’s little body! I like a bunch of their stuff, though. :)
Awesome give away! Much of my children’s wardrobe is from there – and I love the footy pajamas for little ones! :)
That pee stuff takes a long time to go away. Not sure why. Kids. They’re like the new black (cloud).
Still, gotta love ’em.
yes, please!
Got my daughter an AWESOME sweater there for Xmas and I’m STILL trying to figure out how to make it fit me. :)
Love Children’s Place! Enter me pretty please.
Ooooh, oooh, oooh – pick me!
If I win we can meet and have a shopping playdate!
I want to win!!! My kids are still sleeping in summer pj’s even though it’s cold.
I love The Children’s Place. Love it. I hope I win.
I could use an excuse to go shopping for kids clothes! ;)
I hope it’s not too late. I could certainly use something like that on so many levels.
I want my small bear to win a shopping spree at the Children’s Place! Thanks for always offering cool things. :)
I love pj’s!!! Even if they’re on my kids and not me.
Thanks, Deb!