I’m quite unable to complete thoughts today. Also, yesterday. Not sure why, but I’m flat-out ill-equipped to connect subject matter or compose sensical paragraphs. It’s as if my brain waves are spiking and dipping and each time I try to catch one in my net, it flutters away. Thus, I did not complete yesterday’s prompt…and feel I must be a bad PROMPTuesday hostess. Also, a crappy blogger. But you guys did great with those fables. And I don’t want to give too many spoilers, but when I write mine, it’ll have a cautionary moral of: “40 Craps on Brains.” Or something equally alarming.
Meanwhile, I can’t impress upon you enough how impossible it is for me to write anything resembling a post of coherency.
I know.
So what I thought I’d do is include little bits of other posts that I started and never completed as a sort of homage to my insane membrane. These little bits languished in my Drafts folder, forgotten and unrecalled. Sometimes I’d spend time composing these paragraphs, be called away to mediate a sibling rivalry or burst into tears, and then forgot that I’d written anything altogether.
I know.
So I just found these unfinished posts, in other words. And since I don’t have any other words, I’ll post them now for you to ignore as I did.
***steals away to retrieve posts that were supposed to save me from writing something else that makes sense***
***realizes there is white space where the drafts used to be***
***finds only this:***
“The sun spattered itself on every surface, muscling its way through opaque blinds…”
***rips out every strand of hair, follicle by follicle. In hair-pulling exercise, discovers full upper lip mustache. Dissolves into tears. Composes self, says:***
Oh guess what? I accidentally deleted all my drafts.
***laughs maniacally, puts two pizzas in the oven, wraps self in shag rug and calls in order for mustache bleach.***
I’ll see you tomorrow.
It’s okay. We still love you! :)
{{{Deb}}} Really? It’s okay. Chalk it up to summertime and its horrific effects on bloggers everywhere.
Whatever you have, it must be contagious. I seem to have caught it!
even at incoherent, you’re still entertaining. :)
But what a sentence it is!
These days happen. For some of us, these weeks do. We’ll keep coming back. Though I will say that when I have days like these, I wish I were MommyPie — or at least OWNED Photoshop — since that might help… :) (((hugs)))
{{{Deb}}} Have some wine and know tomorrow will be a better day!
Hey Mrs. Mommason-Bojangles,
I will do NotPROMPTuesday as soon as I can (I’ll email you the reason with the least graphic info possible, and you can decide whether or not to excuse my tardy. Suffice it to say that if 40 Craps on Brains, 47 Craps on Colons.) Although I’ve made it a point not to peak at prompts in advance, but I see from above that there are morals involved. I’m against morals.
You are allowed to have days like this. Then ideas just come at you out of nowhere. Just don’t accidentally delete the drafts.
You have an impressive trail of thoughts list… and funny. But, painful for you. I think most of us can relate. :)
This will be me tomorrow… too tired to write… or do anything else. :)
You need a cocktail darling!
whatever – it’s still entertaining! :)
i have lots of drafts saved too – for a rain day or whatever. hope i don’t delete them…
It’s just another great form of dysfunctional writer’s block- I still chuckled!
BTW, drop by my blog, I gave you an award.
I know I didn’t participate in the Prompt Tuesday because I was just so darned busy, although I loved the premise. But I just came across this (I’ve pinched it from someone’s signature!) and I thought I’d post it here, because it’s cute. Either that, or I’m so sleep deprived I don’t realize that it’s complete drivel. This was her son’s essay. I’d say there was some serious chore resistance going on with this kid!:
Whuns a pon atime there was a frog named mr. Broun. He was alwas working. He was doing chors. He would never get heis elouints. That one won day he got aten by a shark. That was the end of mr. Broun. The end.
Ooooh noooo. Deleted your drafts? THAT blows GOATS. SO sorry. Seriously, though? Even when you don’t have anything to say, you come up with a great post about having nothing to say.
And MommyTime’s right. Photoshop DOES help.
Welcome to my world, Deb. Synapses firing but not connecting.