Here it is in a nutshell:
there are two winners of my totally awesome kick butt Miss Mix-a-lot CD contest.
I’ll try to explain. Mainly, it’s that I’m complex. I can’t make things easy. (Can you hear my husband’s voice faintly emerging from the Internet ether, yelling “hell no she can’t!” ?) Because first, I went to to select a winner and I got a number, yes, but it seemed such an impersonal, dry, dull way to go.
And I’m an out-of-the-(Tinkerbell)-box thinker, so I decided to employ a secondary, cooler way to pick a winner:
The number “9” is blurred by all the fairy dust.
But more importantly, the #9 commenter is Eden, who wins a not-Prince CD mix.
AND, Cheri at Blog This Mom was the winner (commenter #2), the aforementioned dull method of selecting a winner, which is a paradox, because Cheri is decidedly NOT dull. In fact, she’s the anti-dull (doesn’t quite have the ring I was going for)…
Anyway! I will be e-mailing you two with some follow-up questions to ensure I mix the kick assednessest CDs for yous ever.
Jenn @ Juggling Life says
Congrats to Cheri and Eden. You have a lovely assistant!
kendra says
Congrats to you two.
ALso, cute way to pick a winner, and what a cutie of a “picker” of the second winning number!
Eden says
There are few things in the world better than a sooperawesome mix tape :)
Jamie says
Wow. Your complexity brings out your generosity. Two winners?
Love that green color paint (and the cutie drawing the number).
Cheri says
Thank you, thank you. I’d like to thank the academy . . . er, wrong speech.
Seriously, I am so excited to be one of the winners. I might be able to add “Gets Picked By Randomizers” right next to “Always Gets a Good Parking Space” on my resume. What odd blessings the universe has given me, but I’ll take ’em, thank you very much. The parking space karma was particularly useful when I lived in LA. Bottom line: If we go anywhere together anytime soon, let me drive. You’ll never have to walk very far, and there’s usually money already in the meter when I arrive. True. Ask my husband and kids. Speaking of random, how random was that. Time for sleep.
Thanks again.