(Almost everything is from my favorite site, Artful Wears) THIS THIS OR THIS WITH The print tee above, I’d also wear with: Which I could pair with: (Look at me! I’m mixing and matching!) And I’d also love to wear: …Continue Reading
FASHION SPECIAL! Buy 15 Rag Flowers for Your Head, Get the 16th Free
…PLUS! One of our store stylists will kabuki makeup your face AND apply your very own beauty mark haphazardly! FOR FREE! Ooo La La! So Spring 2008! (Vapidity not included.) The hell, Benetton?
Hammy Gallbladder or Fatty Liver?
I’m taking a break from my dinner preparation: My children are paying the price of my PMS. And my PMS wants ham. Beans to work out the PMS bubbles. Fries, because? Fries. Where was I? Yes, a break from my dinner preparation to tell you…Continue Reading
Taking for Granted
Last night I dreamt that my husband died. And clearly, painfully, I regretted not saying goodbye. We’d ended the dream night with tense words and when I woke the next morning, he’d passed away. My mom came to the house to help with the kids. Thank God, because I was useless and mute, and…Continue Reading
Toots is obsessed with Scooby Doo and this morning looked up from her Doo coloring book to tell me she wants to be Daphne next Halloween. “Great!” I say. That should be easy: mini skirt, boob inserts, bouffant wig. I should find that all in Party City’s “Appropriate for 5-Year-Olds” aisle. Then Toots…Continue Reading
I’m a Softie/Indecisive: There’s a Winner(s)
Here it is in a nutshell: there are two winners of my totally awesome kick butt Miss Mix-a-lot CD contest. I’ll try to explain. Mainly, it’s that I’m complex. I can’t make things easy. (Can you hear my husband’s voice faintly emerging from the Internet ether, yelling “hell no she can’t!” ?) Because first,…Continue Reading
Common Experience
So has this ever happened to you? You’re like, “Oh Shight! I’m going to be 40 soon!” and then you look at your arms and realize you need to start lifting weights because in just the last 6 months, something terribly awful happened to your collagen AND your muscle fibers and you need an…Continue Reading
Guest Wine Commentator
Oh man, I’m busy today, so…. …to fill space, I’m letting my husband’s alter ego, Stubing Rothschild (Notes on Stubing: dry “Brit” humor, raises truffle pigs, salt and pepper nose hair, smokes pipe ironically), post some of his greatest hits wine reviews* gathered from a recent blind tasting party. And can I say?…Continue Reading
This Month’s Book
Book club is reading Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky this month.
Living the Love: A Giveaway, Sorta.
Hi, it’s me, San Diego Momma. Look, I love you guys, by which I mean, girls. And maybe guy? One? Broham? No matter. First of all, you make me laugh. Also, you’re super sweet, like major. And supportive. Even people I haven’t e-met yet, you seem cool. I’ve extrapolated such. So…Continue Reading
“So it’s a stone or a rock…” Annie mused aloud. “Same thing,” Carlos said it sharply. Annie fought the urge to snap back. “Witch Woods and The House at 2769 Sullenberg Lane…that doesn’t tell us much. How’re we gonna know where she hid it?” Annie sighed. Carlos spun a wheelie to his…Continue Reading
Yes Sir, That’s My Baby
Booger turns two today. And speaking of unmedicated births and things in my stomach, I remember it like yesterday… And they called her Duck Beak Belly. I didn’t plan to have Booger on the 10th, although that was her official due date. But my doctor lured me into his office, knowing…Continue Reading