This is hilarious.
PROMPTuesday #34: Bawdy Prose. Why? Because it’s the Holidays.
Look, I’m sorry to do this to you, but it has to be done. Why, I can’t say. I don’t tend to examine my inspiration. It’s so often demented and idiotic. What I regret perpetuating upon your writerly person is this: For today’s PROMPTuesday, please compose a holiday limerick. As you may or…Continue Reading
Look Younger and Improve Your Suppleness Giveaway…IS OVER!
WINNER ANNOUNCED TOMORROW! Oh OK, I’ll do it now, but make it official tomorrow. It’s Auds! Which is cool, because I think she is my exact undisclosed age! “Suppleness” is a disconcerting word that reminds me of those gel nipple shields I wore while breastfeeding, but I thought it’d grab your attention. Because…Continue Reading
Giveaways Up the Gazoo
I’ve got so many giveaways this week, you can’t even believe it. There’s a complete AVON skincare system, Kookeys (like Webkinz) and Tracksters (like vehicular Webkinz), a photo family storybook (like scrapbooking, but done for you), and well…this isn’t looking so up the gazooey anymore. Just please enter these giveaways. Because nothing is sadder than…Continue Reading
Not on My Watch
I’m a little nutso about home security, as in completely insane. I always need the doors locked and at night, I only leave the bedroom windows open a crack in case an enterprising burglar rock climbs our sheer walls to gain access. I absolutely must have our home alarm at all times and have…Continue Reading
PROMPT: Too Long and Over the Limit
I often pretended Maura Dominiak’s nooks and crannies house were mine. Big, rustic, rife with wood, and usually empty of parental supervision. Full of antique stoves and stained glass and porcelain knobs. After fall’s football games, we’d drive up to the detached garage with the warped edges that never shut properly, park behind the Peugeot,…Continue Reading
Looking for Things to Do With Your Kids?
I love this website. It’s designed for grandparents, but it lists kids’ activities by city, and I use it to find stuff to do with my kids. I’m too lazy to look in the local paper for events, so this pretty much takes care of it for me. They’ve also got an awesome holiday guide…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #33: Think Back
I’m going for easy peasy lemon squeezy today. Emphasis on “squeezy,” because I KNOW we’ve all got something squeezy to share for this one. So think back to when you were 15. Let the year play itself back to you. Pick one memory — even if it’s just a mere moment that stands out…Continue Reading
From the Diary of a Reluctant Housewife
I’m not going to cease to exist if I don’t update my blog every day, right? I mean, I CAN disconnect from Twitter, Facebook, WordPress and e-mail for a day or two while I capture the holiday spirit, finish some work, and domesticate myself. It IS possible. What’s important is my family. So…Continue Reading
The Recapinator
(Custom graphic hand rendered by Ray.) I promise that this will be the last time I mention “40” colloquially. After this, it’s gonna be all “Age is just a state of mind in New York City. I know it’s crazy, but it’s true,” and “40 is the new black.” No more 40…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #32: One Word
I took today’s PROMPTuesday from One Word to keep it simple this week (especially after the labyrinth-like PROMPT from last Tuesday. So this week, write on this: Just look at the word. And write. That’s all. (Oh were but it that simple, right?) (Or — “but were it that simple?”) (Is that…Continue Reading
San Diego Momma’s Beauty Tip #The Only One: Wear Shiny Jewelry
UPDATED TO ADD: Cheri at Blog This Mom! is the winner! The Kelly Meeker $50 gift certificate giveaway is winding down (kinda like me all day yesterday, but with Egg McMuffins and Ghiradellis) OVER! So don’t forget to enter! Kelly’s offered to give away a $50 gift certificate to her site, applieable (not a…Continue Reading