Man, I’d love to write regularly here again, read you all, and comment. I suppose I must realize that as a freelancer, I’ll never have enough time and that the word “free” is both evil and a Godsend. So you know how some days you’re just done and sit in front of the TV…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #196: Road Trippiness
For today’s writing prompt, tell us about a road trip you’ve taken…in your head. Where would you go? Who would you take with you? What would happen? This is an awful lot like PROMPTuesday #151, but hallucinatorier. Or more imaginaryey. For reference, this was a real road trip I took, but…Continue Reading
Depression Firsthand
We sat around the patio table and I felt alone. Usually, I’m up for girl gab and friendship but all I wanted to do was close up shop and huddle in bed with a TV, a book, or complete silence. For the past few months, I’d run that way. Not wanting to talk, not…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #195: One Word Again
Every now and then I like to issue the one-word prompts because it leaves so much room to write what and how you feel most inspired. That’s what I’m going to do today. But first, I realize how behind I am in commenting on previous PROMPTs and most ghastly of all, doing my own. There’s…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #194: This One Time At…
It’s end-of-the-school-year time this week, and the girls are twirling around in a tizzy. Even I, usually not given to hysteria, feel the buzzing in the trees and backyard pools. Last night, from between tangled bedcovers Toots whispered, “I’m so excited,” right before her face collapsed into a pillow, wet with frantic post-happy-dance sweat.…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #193: Things I Am Afraid to Tell You
This ought to be a doozy. I read about it here at Life in Every Limb, which will give you the history and background of this exercise. (The whole thing began at this blog.) So let’s PROMPTuesday it. I’m willing to be brave and do it, although I may need to temporarily blind my…Continue Reading
Radio static, converged voices blaring white noise buzz that takes me to lives where I don’t live I went there, see me here detail in 3D, vintage-framed because that’s what you do to remember Please see me, please see me Megaphone glued to fingers tapping My insides crave your outsides Late nights…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #192: Empty
Photo credit: clarita from For today, take a look at the above picture and write a story or poem that includes the word, “empty.” Post your submission in the comments OR post in your blog and leave a link to your blog in the comments. First time to PROMPTuesday? Read a…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday 191: Balance
KERSPLAT! As you may or may not have guessed from my lack of posting, inability to continue serial posts, and general word invisibility, I’ve been busy with kids, work, life, calls, visits, editing, meds-withdrawing, and wordsing* in places not my own. SO, I feel it’s only right that today’s prompt be about…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #190: Still
Whoa, this post title reminds me of the Commodores. Crap, I could do this all day. I’m coming to see that song wrings me out, in a good way, and allows me to access some…stuff…I hadn’t expressed before, as evidenced by a little girl’s memory below. SO, since I can’t let this go, I’m…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #189: A Life in Song
It’s been too long since I’ve posted a PROMPTuesday. I swear, it took me all last week to put myself back together after a bout of 12-hour days that stretched into oblivion. It’s as if I suffered from a work hangover, and it was sublime lovely but you know when your body tells you…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #188: The Two of You
Inspired by yesterday, please describe your connection with your partner, be he/she/it be a spouse, colleague, or creature. Post your submission in the comments OR post in your blog and leave a link to your blog in the comments. First time to PROMPTuesday? Read a bit about it here. Want to see what’s…Continue Reading