I can’t pinpoint when it happened, this slow eke of confidence. I turn to my husband and say, “But I want to be extraordinary!” and he tells me I’m enough and I don’t believe him.
There are words that shine and some that glower, and punch and twinkle and illuminate and waltz and float and eat your brain, and I want to write all of them. I don’t want to apologize, say “I think” or “P.S.” or “Not right now.” The spiral tightens around my fingers, a paralyzing net, and all because I’m tired and processing and pulling paragraphs out of my head like earthworms from dirt.
Was there a time I had something to say?
Did it matter?
I read a lot about going beyond or deep or elsewhere. Stretching the boundaries of how you write and what; yet I spend so much time watching how others do it that I can’t beckon my worms anymore.
It’s always been my bane: No confidence and comparison. There’s two of us: The one who writes anyway and the one who wants to be extraordinary and ties hands beyond backs.
I search for the writing I want to be, and it leads to self flagellation and bone beating and soul crushing. I can’t reach beyond, I can’t get there, I don’t have it in me.
What if that’s true?
I ask the one who writes anyway.
This was her answer.
Written through inspiration from Heather’s Just Write series.

Yes! We must listen more to the one who writes anyway.
Beautiful. Inspirational. Listen to the one who urges you to write anyway. Because you do it so well.
Love this. I will try to always remember to write anyway.
I do that self flagellation thing way too much. I bleed down to bone and still don’t think it’s enough…
I need to listen to the one who writes more than the one who doubts. Love this post! (Hugs)Indigo
Just write.
No way around it, only through it.
You are extraordinary. Write on despite it all because you are a beautiful story.
That’s the tricky part–writing past the safety zone.
I think I have the same two-of-me as you do.
Except I also have a third who is tired and just wants to eat a bag of Ruffles and take a nap.
She’s the loud one.