{{Yes. Another re-post. My brain is glued shut from too many biscuits and gravy. I originally wrote the below more than three years ago. And it’s still true.
God help us all.}}
Please note that the below represents my perspective and is not reflective of any well-adjusted, unmedicated bloggers out there.
I call this piece, The Arc of a Blogger
Stage 1: Denial
Examples – “I can live perfectly well without my blog.
It has not consumed my life.
I do not live each day wondering, If I blog it, will they come?
My children ARE adjusting to artificial light and prison-issue food.”
Stage 2: Anger
Example – “WHAT?? My ‘If Celebrity Baby Names Were Butt Synonyms‘ post ruled! Come on! Hiney Pitt?
What’s wrong with you people?
No comments? Come ON!”
Stage 3: Bargaining
Example – “OK, God. Here’s the deal: if you make me brilliant with a side of gentle sarcasm for one day, AND use your Divine Grace to inspire a relatable and beautifully-written post, I will help You cloth the naked and feed the poor. And *possibly* become an instrument of your peace.
Stage 4: Depression
Examples – “Forget it. Why bother?
What’s the point? I’m closing this thing down.
No one likes me. Why don’t they like me?
Was it the Tushy Lopez?”
Stage 5: Acceptance
Example – “I’ll just be me. Little ole San Diego “Hiney Pitt” Mommason.
But with more meds, and less butt talk.
True that! Plua, I have to say, being a potty mouth from way back, I love butt talk! How can you not laugh at that stuff?
Spot on! Glad you reposted because I just met you and wouldn’t have known that these are universal truths. Thank you friend!
I’ve progressed since I last read this. I think I’m 4.5 now. Nice to know the end is in sight. :)
sadly i cycle through this on a regular basis.
Wow, so true, on a weekly to monthly basis!
Ha! This is so true!
I try to have my blogging be just a part of my life, in good balance with the other parts. But I’m not sure how well I really do keep that balance.