(Inspired by Mama Mary…)
You know how you’re driving, and the a-hole behind you is riding your butt, and you’re trying to put some space between the two of you but every time you speed up, they speed up? And then they angrily whip around your car and give you a look because apparently, going 80 in the 40 zone is too slow for them? And the butt-riding person in the car is a woman? Like a mom-woman? With kids in the car? And you’re thinking: Surely, you don’t need to get to Chuck E. Cheese that fast. Chuck E. will be there ALL DAY, God help us. And then you decide right then and there to write a post about Road Etiquette, and the first etiquette tip would be something simple but punchy like, “Don’t be an a-hole mom?”
So in that spirit, please write a post about etiquette. Maybe something universal such as The Etiquette of Using a Gas Station Bathroom or more personal like The Etiquette of Married S@x. or The Etiquette of Online Dating. I don’t know. Use your imagination. That’s what PROMPTuesday is all about!
As for me, I am planning to write a post on “The Etiquette of Not Being an A-Hole Ladder-Climbing, Status-Seeking Blogger.”
Can’t wait!
In the meantime, post your submission in the comments OR post in your blog and leave a link to your blog in the comments.
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I fear I have done one too many of these etiquette posts. But. That won’t stop my bitchy self. My next one for SURE is going to be gas station etiquette. I can feel that angry pit taking over my stomach as I think about it.
Just curious where I can find that post you are doing on a-hole, status-seeking bloggers. You know. To make sure you spell my name right.
I tend to sloooooww down when I’m driving in front of those types. really pisses them off and makes my day
How Not to Piss a Mama Off at the Playground