He didn’t care, just didn’t care. They could do whatever they wanted. Didn’t bother him. Not one bit. He averted his eyes as they walked past, pretending to be absorbed in the kid’s street basketball game. They probably didn’t spend enough time with their kids anyway. He bet they didn’t.
“Hi Ben!” Someone called.
“Hey.” He didn’t look at them.
One by one, they filed into his neighbor’s house. It was someone’s birthday. But so what? They better not be loud. He needed to sleep. Had to be up in the morning for his run.
“Got quite a game there,” one of them said, gesturing to his boys.
“I like to keep them active,” he replied.
That was all. The guy stood next to him for a few seconds, watching the boys tussle. “Well…see you soon,” He moved on into the neighbor’s house. The kids’ ball bounced against the curb and onto his toe. He kicked it back into the street. Maybe he’d been rude.
“Have fun,” Ben called after him, shielding his eyes from the sun with a cupped hand.
The neighbor raised his hand without looking behind him. Ben dropped his arm. Figures. Well at least he tried.
This makes me ache.