The wonderful and very thorough Mary Beth interviewed me yesterday as part of Neil Kramer’s “Great Interview Experiment,” and the results are up here. Right here! Luckily, she didn’t ask if I knew She-Ra’s real name, because then I’d have to kill her.
Later this week, I will be continuing the Great Interview chain with my probing and insightful questioning of Amelia Sprout.
That was a wonderful interview! Thanks for sharing. I’m certain you’d be witty on Jay Leno, and Cate Blanchett seems like the perfect actress to play you ;)
Note to self: never, never, never ask San Diego Momma She-Ra’s real name.
I follow you but am not sure if you follow me. I am cutiebootycakes. Easy right?
I can believe a cool girl like you came over to play at my house once. Come back.
I REALLY want to read your novel when you finish it.
Loved the interview! The ones I’ve read out there in the world have been very insightful. There’s a lot of great would-be journalists out there!