Today we’re off to a Peter Pan-themed birthday party, where Toots and Booger will wear Sleeping Beauty costumes.
Those Disney characters, they’re all friends, right?
After that, it’s a quick ride home, a nap send-off and a quick getaway to a house concert our friends are hosting. Chris Trapper will be there, playing the Baby Grand. I’m looking forward to it, even though the last time we saw this guy play, The Rock and I got in a fight in front of everyone. We were arguing about a babysitter. I wanted to stay at the concert longer, but our babysitter couldn’t stay late, so I suggested we call our new neighbor to relieve her. The Rock didn’t like that idea. So I walked home. The End.*
*Please note that there are various versions of this fight floating in the ether. Please also note that my version is the one you should go with. In addition, be aware that whiskey sours will cloud your judgment. And finally, please do not drink whiskey sours unless you have prior experience with such.
(Epilogue: We went to marriage counseling.) (Epilogue to the epilogue: Tonight we have a different babysitter.)
The Rock and I fought again last night. Something about me not liking him and being irritated all the time and we’re not positive enough and I preach and he treats me like an employee and his tone is condescending and we’re tired of arguing and I’m right, and you’re not and I’ll cry here on the couch while you watch basketball and wonder how to reach out to me and then we both fall asleep because it’s hard with kids.
I like to slip the heavy stuff between the fluff.
I do it with laundry, too.
I especially like (i.e. identify with), “…and then we both fall asleep because it’s hard with kids.” Yes. Yes it is. Hang in there. Hope you had fun with Peter and friends.