I completely thought this said “Soccer mom turns violent; 80 hurt.” And I felt kind of bad for her. She must’ve had a rough day.
Clean Water: NOT an Oxymoron
Just the fact that I’m drinking treated waste water is enough to send me over, then there’s this alarm-a-thon.
Arts Alive
Today Toots, Booger and I went to an “arts” day put on by a local non-profit and drummed, painted and sang for most of the early afternoon. In one room, there was a singing party where a woman played the guitar and led the kids in all the oldies but goodies, which made…Continue Reading
Most Boring Post Ever. (Or Your Money Back)
Today, I’m dragging my feet before starting the marathon that is taking Toots and Booger to the park. I didn’t get much sleep last night what with the spider crawling across my face, dropping onto my shoulder and making its way into the ear canal to eat my brain. The part that wore me…Continue Reading
In Progress
Birds leave shadows on the grass where a blanket is drawn Close by, clouds skitter Blacking out The wings It’s like this On the ground Where light and dark intermix A speckled mosaic Of wondering and cursing Not sure what it should be What should it be A shadow, a bird…Continue Reading
Get to Know TED
TED is an annual conference that challenges the world’s most influential thinkers to give the talk of their lives in just 18 minutes. You’ve got to check this out.
Concert Reminder
This program works with your iPod to alert you when anyone in your music library is in town for a concert. Very cool, unless your iPod is filled with one-hit wonders.
Good “Cook” Book
I loved reading about Captain Cook’s explorations in Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before (Tony Horwitz). Although arrogant, he was gutsy. Not that it got him anywhere in the end.
What It All Comes Down to in the End
I parked my car in the usual haphazard fashion, bumping my horn as I scrambled out the driver’s side. The man in front of me started, and shifted his reverie from the third floor window he’d been considering. I mumbled “sorry” and began to hurry away, when something in his manner made me stop.…Continue Reading
Something Haunted
Stairway to heaven. Except this is looking down, so… I don’t think our house started out haunted. It’s a new house and we are the first to live in it, and the only hint of previous occupants on this land were the words, “The Ranch” etched in the concrete outside our garage. But,…Continue Reading
Today Booger asked me for a “huggle,” which made me want less to stick her on an ice floe and shove her off to sea.
I’m Easy
Thank you, God, for Dinner Studio. Thank you for giving humans the brains to think up wonderful franchises where busy moms do not have to cook. Thank you for the brown rice vegetable paella cooking in my oven right now. And thank you for my friend Shana, who did all the work while I drank…Continue Reading