Thank you, God, for Dinner Studio. Thank you for giving humans the brains to think up wonderful franchises where busy moms do not have to cook. Thank you for the brown rice vegetable paella cooking in my oven right now. And thank you for my friend Shana, who did all the work while I drank blood of the bull and made inappropriate jokes while gently massaging the meat loaf. Thank you for meat loaf, too. I’m sorry I swore when I threw onions in the brown apple betty. Please do not take Dinner Studio away from me in retribution. You are a river unto your people.
Love, and Forever and Ever, Amen.
Jenn @ Juggling Life says
Massaging meatloaf is always best done with a lubrication libation in hand!
Thanks for stopping by (via Cheri I suspect), and I was so kidding about the not drinking!