I can’t help it! I like the latest Mariah song. It’s just so me. I mean, don’t you just want to roll around in these lyrics? If there’s a camera up in here Then it’s gonna leave with me When I do (I do) If there’s a camera up in here Then…Continue Reading
I Don’t Got Much Today
Toots spilled water everywhere this morning and when I asked her to mop it up she said with disdain, “That’s grown-up business.” Indeed it is. Grown-up business. Yesterday I signed an agreement that added 12 hours a week to my work schedule, which is already chock-full of 20 freelance hours and water mopping. Then,…Continue Reading
Book Club
This month we’re reading Five Skies by Ron Carlson. I’ve heard good things. Word.
Trader Joe’s organic creamy tomato soup (in the box), add Trader’s Joe’s “soycatash” (corn and edamame) and TJ’s spelt. Bring to a low boil, then simmer for 30 minutes. Add cracked pepper and a RyKrisp. Is good.
A Soft Place to Fall
“I think you need to get her on some medication,” he advised. “Something like phenobarbital.” Phenobarbital? Isn’t that for extreme mental patients? Or the drug of choice from “Valley of the Dolls?” But I just nodded. “OK, Dad.” I hoped my acquiescence would signal him to stop. It’d been a long 24…Continue Reading
Sunday’s Playlist: All True
All these songs mean something to me. None of them are random or afterthoughts. Each offers specific insight into the emotions that shook me this weekend, then left me to crawl on the sand of my husband’s shore. That doesn’t make sense does it? It does to me.
Dad’s for Easter: The Photographs
First, there’s the bacon. The drinking before noon. The themed centerpiece. The themed bathroom. The cook, the baker, the bacon grease maker. Unphotographed: the crumbs, the lectures, the eggs.
Ye Olde Blog Again
I’m sorry. I’m at my dad’s place in Ventura County and we’re talking about Obama vs. Clinton. My dad’s useful insight was, “a broad shouldn’t be in office.” So, my brain exploded and I have nothing left with which to write a blog post. So here’s something from a few years ago. …Continue Reading
I Just Had To Tell You
I was looking through Ye Olde Blog, and for kicks, thought I’d see what I wrote 5 years ago this month. So here it is! Oh my gosh, I was so awesome. Much like now. ****************************************** (originally posted March 29, 2003) Apparently I used to make lists a lot when I was…Continue Reading
7 Random Confessions
Damn you Matter of Fact Mommy; you and your exciting life, you and your saucy confessions, you and your excitement. And, well thank you too, because I really tanked out of ideas today and your tag saved me. Plus, I didn’t really mean “damn you,” more like a “Darn you,” but you better cap…Continue Reading
It’s Hard, But Also Soft (Alt. Title: Oh Lord, What Will Google AdSense Make of That?)
Marriage isn’t easy; especially mine. But for the first year The Rock and I were together, our relationship has been challenging. We both like to be right, for instance, which can ruin some marriages, and we don’t fight well. We tend to get wrapped around the axle and focus on stupid extraneous stuff, and…Continue Reading
Like Medusa, But With Mucous.
Don’t look directly into the eyes of “Booger the Terrible, Jr., the II, Esq.” For if you do, you will begin to spout snot. It started with my baby. She of the perpetual snot geyser. Then, it migrated to my husband, me, and finally, my oldest (above, you can see Toots trying to manually…Continue Reading