Have you heard of Pandora? I love it. You type in one of your favorite artists and a super secretish algorithm populates an online radio station with kindred musical artists. It worked for me. I dug almost every song played. Found some new stuff too.
Better Late Than Never?
Here’s my PROMPTuesday submission: I shuffled through the milk crates stuffed with LPs. My knickers chafed uncomfortably, spurred by the hot sweatiness of the St. Mary’s gymnasium. Wet slicked down my back as I pulled out Supertramp’s album. The one with “Goodbye Stranger.” I planned my outfit with him in mind. We had…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday, Exercise #4: My First Love
No intro today. Just this: Write about your first love. Work the phrase, “Beauty in the shadows,” into the piece. This one can go to 250 words. Other “rules” (air quotes implied and used ironically): You must write your entry in 10 minutes. This encourages top-of-mind, primal thinking before the ego and…Continue Reading
I Have Plans, Many Plans
Well, let’s see. I don’t think I’m a planner. I try to be, really, really try to be, yet there’s some synapsal tangle in my brain that prevents me from actually following through on said plans, or rather, I follow through, but not in that perfectly logistical way you see other moms do. …Continue Reading
I Wish I’d Known
I met Coretta T. when we were both in the fifth grade. She told great jokes, had a typical Italian family and an enormous pantry filled with Little Debbie snack cakes. I’d moved to Chicago the year before, as little girl lost, it was nice to find a friend who adopted me instantly. Together…Continue Reading
Today: 100% Chance of Sun
No more morosity. Today is sunshine, puppies, no funny substances stuck under my toilet rim, a full belly of eclectic and nourishing food, chai tea (without sugar), and an effective hard water de-mineralizer. Yea, today there is no fuzz on my sweater coat, no ambivalence about my discipline methods, and plenty of butterflies,…Continue Reading
Uphill All The Way
Disclaimer: Abandon hope, all ye who enter here, of carefully constructed sentences, relevant points, or peaceful easy feelings. If I were a cartoon or bit character in “Bewitched,” there’d totally be a dark cloud hovering over my head. I really need to look into this Sag-Scorp cuspy deal, because now I’m thinking there’s something…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday Exercise #3: The Door
PROMPTuesday came around quick, didn’t it? And here I was, just a few short hours ago, sitting at book club, innocently forgetting that shortly, a new writing prompt must be posted, so I, without a care in the world, poured myself another glass of wine… But: I’m BACK, suckas! And as such, a…Continue Reading
Abbada Dabbada
If you only knew the trouble I’ve seen today. My sign (Scorpio-Sag cusp) must be in opposition to some planetular alignment, because nothing is going according to plan. Not a thing has gone smoothly, or on time or in accordance with my wishes. Today I should work, but Booger slept in big time this…Continue Reading
In Another Mom Dimension, Perhaps
Do you think there’s a world where one can actually say “Calgon, Take me Away!” and instantly you’re transported to a warm bubble bath, open waterproof book, glass of champagne (or fruit smoothie, your choice, lame-o), and a babysitter paid through three days? Or do you think in that dimension, “Calgon” would be a…Continue Reading
I’ll Miss This Someday
“MaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaa!” Booger wailed it from her crib this morning. I prayed, as I pulled the covers over my ears. Sometimes, she’s a one-hit morning shouter and I don’t hear from her again from a good hour. Ah, but it was not to be and she continued, now playfully: “Mom! Moomoo! MaMoo! MoooooomoooomooooMA!” Her vocabulary’s…Continue Reading
Cool Writing Contest
One of my favorite bloggers, Eden, is the editor of a cool literary e-magazine called Toasted Cheese and they’re having a writing contest going on NOW. Check it out HERE.