My Grandma Hazel — God love her — used to do this thing with her mouth, where she’d smack her dentures after every sentence. It sounded like a wet cross between a gum chew and an orange suck and it grossed me out no end. And that’s really saying something, because as a kid I…Continue Reading
Finally: My Butt’s Largesse EXPLAINED
Do you remember how, last week, I promised to list my favorite websites for stuff this Wednesday? And do you recall how I blew off listing my favorite soft rock hits from the ’70s? Even though I knew that post would be big, BIG!, babies. I’m telling you. And maybe you thought that I’d forget…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #8: You Know What They Say About a Picture
This PROMPTuesday is about what lies beneath. So this week, I’d like you to look at this picture: …and very quickly write down the first three words that come to mind. Now, start writing, using those words anywhere in your story. (Be sure to name the three words in your post or comments…Continue Reading
Would You Mind?….
I know I skipped right over the 70s soft rock hits, but I figured you’d probably forgive me, or more specifically, thank me profusely, for not posting it yesterday. Instead, I’m skipping right to my Monday agenda, which was to post two story intros from the manuscript I’ve been working on…. I’d hoped you…Continue Reading
The Movies You Maybe Never Saw, But Probably Should
{After hearing from several people that they’ve seen these movies, I’m going to deny that I’m hopelessly out of touch and instead re-name this post to: Non-Blockbuster Movies That You Might Want to See Again, like Box of Moonlight.) So I don’t know, some of you may have seen these movies. Probably have, in…Continue Reading
Table of Contents
Well, this painful bit of writer’s blockage persists. So, to keep me posting, I’ve come up with a desperate clever plan to keep me blog accountable. What will follow over the next few days are slightly generic, but borderline interesting posts on stuff. I don’t plan to write about personal things, because I’m just…Continue Reading
You wouldn’t believe the enormous writer’s block I’m battling right now. My brain’s shut down. Maybe to devote its energy to raising my serotonin levels. Seems like every sentence I write is clunky and humorless. So, let me just tell you that I’m walking along oceans, listening to music, and eating healthy. My mind and…Continue Reading
Why Am I Watching “Cops” Right Now? This is So Not Growing the Right Mental Circuits in My Brain
Just want to say thanks again for your e-mailed and phoned support during my mental breakdown. Me thinks that some of my psychotic break came from hormones. How I hate them sometimes! Seriously. How do these little molecules have so much power? What havoc they wreak on my system. I’m pretty sure hormones dictated…Continue Reading
Win a BlogHer Pass!
The Mom Crowd is giving away a conference pass to BlogHer (worth $348). Check it out here: Win Me.
PROMPTuesday #7: The Story Spinner
(Thank you everyone who called and e-mailed me, I’m humbled. I really am. I’ll update on my mental state soon. The news isn’t all bad.) On to this week’s PROMPTuesday. So as I was thinking of what to do this time, my wise and creative friend, Kristine, reminded me of the “first sentence”…Continue Reading
She Runs Away (and Babbles)
The one where I bare all. And even show the dead skin flakes from constant nose blowing. I suppose I’m depressed. I don’t know. Maybe what I’m feeling is a combination of mental and physical exhaustion, existential angst and hormonal flux. But what I do know is that I’m near tears, snapping at…Continue Reading
Right. So Here’s The Thing.
Taken last night, this pic is symbolic. First, we’re a little blurry and off-center. Then, I’m not directly under the Buddha head (and I need to be, metaphysically-speaking). Finally, all around us is a mess. (But we’ve got our arms around each other. That counts for something, right?) Suffice to say, Toots…Continue Reading