Taken last night, this pic is symbolic.
First, we’re a little blurry and off-center. Then, I’m not directly under the Buddha head (and I need to be, metaphysically-speaking). Finally, all around us is a mess. (But we’ve got our arms around each other. That counts for something, right?)
Suffice to say, Toots is still sick. On both ends. And nonetheless, The Rock and I went out for a few hours last night. Because on all that is good and holy, we really really needed to.
And there’s more. If I could just close out this dang gum WiMAX report I’m editing, I’d be happy to tell you all about it. It’s the usual suspects: my insecurity, randomedy, and poop.
I’ll be back. Please pray for a temporary infusion of speedy editing superpowers.
I’d be obliged.
Dear God,
Please infuse Deb with Speedy Editing Superpowers so she can close out that dang gum WiMAX report. To the unschooled around here who earn No Money Whatsoever, an editing job sounds extremely cool. Maybe if Deb FELT as cool as she APPEARS TO ME, she’d be able to finish that dang gum WiMAX report and be tra-la-la happy. God, I cannot lie. I pray this prayer for The Right Reasons (e.g., Deb’s happiness matters, to her and to her family), and for Some Selfish Reasons (I love reading her posts, and I want her productively posting, for me and for our blogging family). Dear God, please grant my prayer. It would make me tra-la-la happy too.
it’s so comforting to know that your house looks like mine right now. and i feel camaraderie in knowing that you too have a sick child with poop issues.
the WiMAX report? now THAT sounds like a fabulous time. knock it out missy, then come back and tell us all about it.
Who got poop duty while you were on the date? ‘Cause I need their number.
Spewing from both ends I understand, WiMax report? Not so much. But I’ll send positive vibes anyway.
Okay, Cheri is a crack-up.
What she said.
And, could you two BE any cuter?