I need more structure in my life. There’s ENTIRELY too much random abounding in my daily goings-ons and as such, I must impose boundaries and guidelines on myself. Not only will these circles of propriety give new meaning to my bouncing from thing to thing, but my blog posts will now have purpose. PURPOSE!
I can already hear the angels singing.
Relatedly, you have heard of NaBloMe, right? You write a post a day? It’s like a creative contract you make with yourself. I think I will do something similar starting today tomorrow. Except with PURPOSE and BOUNDARIES and NON-BOUNCING. And hopefully not in ALL CAPS.
This is my plan (I’m already using non-random words like “plan!”) (This really is exciting): For the period of one month, I will post according to an editorial calendar, with themes and directives. Also, I will probably use outlines.
Gosh, this sounds like a whole crock of fun already.
Here’s the calendar:
A memory.
Creative writing PROMPT.
A tip (it would be helpful here if you didn’t consider the source.)
Stuff I Like
An observation.
Or a book review.
Or a song review.
Or another story.
Or a vlog.
Days of rest to recover from all the planning and directives and calendaring.
Feel free to borrow my structured plan and apply its key tenets into your own life for great effect.
Of course if it works for you, I will need to charge a small fee.
Here’s to de-randomification!
(I give myself three days.)
Renee says
I love the Idea of an editorial calendar but sadly I am rarely ever able to stick with one. I did make it through NaBloPoMo in November. Maybe I will try again in April or maybe I will just adopt your schedule. You see, I don’t know what I want to do and that is why I can’t follow an editorial schedule!
Smalltown Mom says
Good luck to you. Random is a whole lot easier.
3kidsandabreakdown says
I’m a big fan of all things random. For myself. But, for you, I think the schedule is great! It’s kind of cool to know what I will be getting from the reader perspective. Look forward to your posts.
Jenn @ Juggling Life says
Sounds like a solid plan.
Maureen@IslandRoar says
Oh, you’re so funny. I recently found some notes I’d made about posting from when I started the blog last year. I was making categories of the types of posts I had planned. I was so freaking adorable…
green girl in Wisconsin says
You’re so purposeful. And goal-oriented.
Danielle says
Plans. I like them. I really really do, but I never seem to follow them unless I’m on vacation which is kind of odd and seems wrong now that I write it. Shouldn’t vacations be randomles and unplanned fun? Anyway, you’re good you’ll stick to the plan.
chitownlis says
Sounds a bit like the Rock may have been involved in this… I’m just sayin’. ;)