Getting ready to storm the stage.
Would you look at the time? It’s “Tip Day” already! I think this setting an editorial calendar for my blog stuff is kind of panning out maybe a little.
It’s nice to have boundaries.
Of course, it’s nice to not have boundaries too.
But in other news, TODAY’s tip is:
Download musical show tunes for your children as a nice alternative to the lame kid music out there.
(When I say “lame” kid music, I am not in any way referring to the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack. That one is made of silly and beautiful melodiousness sure to delight and entrance.)
Anyhow, a few years back, I grew tired of the Wiggles and the Laurie Berkners and the Toddler Tunes and so frantically searched for some other music to share with the kids. Things reached dire proportions when I realized I kept the kids’ CDs in the player even when the KIDS WERE NOT AROUND TO LISTEN TO THEM. That meant I was singing along to “Down by the Bay” by myself JUST BECAUSE, and was simultaneously dying a little inside.
Then and there I decided to make a CD for the kids that didn’t suck but still had theatrics, you know? The big musical swells, the catchy melodies, the stories told in song. My search for non-idiotic but still singalong music naturally led me to musical numbers. And for your information, this is what I downloaded:
But first!
Please note that there is what some might deem “inappropriate content” in a few of these songs. However I opted for the overall gestalt of the piece and how it makes us feel (happy!) (joie de vivre!) over worrying about salty lyrics.
Greetings San Diego Momma!
My name is Megan Kalscheuer and I am contacting you from Sesame Street Live! Our show, 1-2-3 Imagine! with Elmo & Friends, is coming to the San Diego Sports Arena, April 22-25, and I would like to offer your readers a special discount or even free tickets.
If you are interested, your readers can go to And use code ERNIE to receive $3 off each ticket. This discount is not valid on the Thursday, April 22nd performance or on Premium, Gold Circle, or Sunny Seats.
If you would like to offer your readers a free family 4-pack of tickets for the show, you can hold a Register to Win Contest. We could mail you the family 4-pack or mail them directly to the winner. If you would be interested in giving away free tickets on your blog, please contact me at Thanks so much and I really enjoyed reading your blog!
Megan Kalscheuer
Aside from a few CDs and the ones I picked up in China, we do not play kiddie music in our house. It is against house rules. We play our music. Show tunes are something I haven’t considered, but might. Thank you.
BTW, I’m totally in for SESAME STREET LIVE. I’m so there. With or without Bubs. But, hopefully with both of them. :)
AMEN, sister! My kids are digging the Glee! soundtrack–I REFUSE to have anything to do with KidsBop. Ear poison, I tell you. I loved show tunes when I was little, too!
“That meant I was singing along to “Down by the Bay” by myself JUST BECAUSE, and was simultaneously dying a little inside.”
Hillarious and depressing – this is my life too. Just add in “There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea” to the mix.
Does Lady Gaga fall into opting for the overall gestalt? Because Laura and I? We’re gestalting all over the joint with her.