{{I wrote this several years ago, and no longer live in the house described below. But the weird thing? Last night an unexplained BANG! woke The Rock and I up at 3AM, and made me think of all this again. And, it’s Halloween season! This all couldn’t be more delicious.}}
So for this week’s PROMPT, tell me a ghost story. Something haunted that’s happened to you or a friend of a friend of a friend. Or? Make something up if it’s more your style. I sure I hope I hear some true spooky stories though, I’m a big sucker for them.
(As for last week’s PROMPT, I am REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to reading what came back. I’ve been in the midst of this crazy deadline and I think I’ll see the light at the tunnel’s end this week)
First time to PROMPTuesday? Read a bit about it here. Want to see what’s been written in the past? Catch up on the PROMPTuesdays archive here.
Stairway to heaven. Except this is looking down, so…
I don’t think our house started out haunted. It’s a new house and we are the first to live in it, and the only hint of previous occupants on this land were the words, “The Ranch” etched in the concrete outside our garage.
But, things have been building. Weird, unexplained things. And they’re beginning to cluster together and become more commonplace and I wonder a little what’s going on here.
Could be all my Paranormal State watching. Although it’s a bit overdone, there’s something about it that’s just creepy and freaky. I get these same feelings if I watch movies like “The Omen,” and “The Exorcist,” which I don’t really watch because evil like that seems too real. Yet, that hair-raising feeling of yuck in your stomach and hypersensitivity and ooginess is what I experience when I watch Paranormal State.
After every show, I am creeped out and ALWAYS have bizarre dreams that hover between waking and sleeping and then I wake up and murmur, “I love you God, I love you God, I love you God,” again and again because that always worked to repel the oogies when I was little.
So I wonder if I’m opening some kind of portal in my home for spookiness? Holy crap, I hope not, because that spooked me even to write it. I adore anything scary, but at a good arm’s length, and definitely not in my home, which is why I do not ever use Ouija Boards and also why I destroyed those automatic writings of a reverend psychic I went to in 1995, who was so right on, I shook for days, and I’ve never been to a psychic since or will ever again.
So, onto what’s been happening.
Let’s see, about 10 months ago (note: before Paranormal State aired), I woke up around midnight to make some tuna sandwiches for my daughter’s lunch. I do not know why. And while I was fixing the sandwiches, I put my iPod on. Once again, inexplicable. And about halfway through sandwich assemblage, I heard a man distinctly and loudly whisper my name. I heard it OVER MY iPOD MUSIC. I jumped, thinking it was The Rock, who often finds me wandering around at night, sticking my head out on the balcony to listen to the waves or just having a panic attack. Usually, he will address me by name with a tone that’s a mixture of bemusement and irritation. Kind of like this voice. But it wasn’t The Rock, as he was soundly sleeping in our bedroom.
At the time, I wrote about the incident in my “Other Blog.” I had a theory as to why I heard the whisper. Here’s a few paragraphs from that:
I feel a little weird about our neighbor person who crossed over. We didn’t know him. He was in his 30s, felt sick one night, went to the hospital and died unexpectedly. First of all, I hate those stories, as would any self-respecting hypochondriac. Secondly, his poor wife moved out last month and obviously just wanted to have any reminder of her heartbreak gone.
SO, The Rock, who was in the garage as she was moving out, helped her move some of her things, and was the unwitting recipient of a lot of her husband’s possessions. A whole tray of CDs (including personal music mixes), watercolor paper with self-portraits (we didn’t know this until later), little knick knacks and — even a boatload of his receipts (long story).
As a result, I half-believed that my deceased neighbor called my name. Maybe, like, “Hey, you like that mix CD of mine you’re listening to?” or something like that. I love making mix CDs, and nag my living friends about whether or not they liked the latest one I made them, so I don’t know, this scenario seemed plausible.
Fast forward to last month. We’re all sleeping and the LOUDEST CRASH EVER resonated through the house. Of course, we’re up in a flash (but not the kids, which was weird), and searching for the source of the sound. The noise sounded like a mix between the roof being ripped off and a jet plane crashing through the window. It was BOOOMMMMMM!!!!!! Loud.
We could not find ANYTHING to explain the crash. Not a thing. And we still to not know to this day what it was or why it didn’t wake the kids.
So then, a few weeks ago, our security alarm went off mysteriously. We activated it right before bed and then a few hours later, again I think around midnight (see above), it beeped that a door had opened. This alarm screeches, let me tell you. I saw our neighbor’s lights go on and know half our street heard it. But again, the kids DO NOT wake up. I don’t know why I capitalized that, because that’s not the unexplained part. The unexplained part is that the door that tripped the alarm sensor is an interior door, one that you’d have to be IN THE HOUSE to open. It cannot be opened by someone breaking in from the outside.
I love God, I love God, I love God.
Now more stuff: my youngest daughter, Booger, keeps talking about a “monster” in her room. Oh my gosh, I’m freaking myself out right now. Getting a grip, getting a grip… Honestly, I think it’s just that her sister is a big monster fan and Booger is repeating what she hears. But it is spooky that she wakes up in the middle of the night sometimes and from naps and in the morning and says “monster,” while pointing to the closet. We always tell her there is no monster. But isn’t that also what they told the little girl from Poltergeist?
So the coup de grâce, which I’m pretty sure I used incorrectly, was last night.
The Rock and I are on the couch, about to watch Paranormal State, which I’d recorded, and out of the freaking blue, a BALL ROLLS DOWN OUR STAIRS.
A BALL. ROLLS. DOWN. OUR. STAIRS. Like you see in all those Lifetime movies where the woman who lost her child is being haunted, or thinks she’s being haunted, by her dead daughter/son, and the clutch scene is the BALL ROLLING DOWN THE STAIRS?
And didn’t they also have a rolling ball in The Shining????
Holy shiz.
So at this point, even The Rock is rattled. And that never happens. He’s trying to minimize the incident though for my sake and says something half-ass like, “Maybe the ball rolled out of the kid’s room?” And I say, “Wouldn’t we have seen it rolling past us to the top of the stairs then and also there’s the minor point of THEIR DOOR IS CLOSED.”
I make him get up to investigate and he finds his small paddleball ball at the bottom of the first landing. Also, he turned the lights on. Thank God. He tries to recreate the incident and lays the ball on the floor to see if perhaps it’s wobbly and will roll of its own accord. But it stays fixed right to the spot where he put it. So he’s jumping and creating wind around the ball to see if it starts rolling. And again, nothing. Finally, he sits down and says simply, “I can’t debunk it.” But I’m only half hearing him, because my “I love God, I love God, I love Gods” are just too loud.
So I don’t know. I remember in our other house some weird things happened too, about three years in. Which is the same time period that we’ve been in this house, so… 3? Is there some significance? Or, am I opening portals due to all my spooky TV watching and it takes a good three years for a portal to the other side to be fully operational? Or, stupid case scenario, all my PMS angst has personified into an angry, pissed-off banshee?
Here’s what happened in the other house, taken from the “Other Blog,” circa May, 2002.
The Rock told me that earlier this week he was awoken by the very strong feeling that something was leaning over him and staring him in the face. He was so shaken by the feeling he checked under all the beds.
The next day, he didn’t even want to talk about it beyond giving me a quick synopsis of the experience. He was so freaked out hours later.
Then, I woke up tonight with a pressure on my chest. Being a hypochodriac, I immediately thought “respiratory distress,” so I got up and tried to relieve the pressure with ibuprofen and water.
Several minutes later, as I was in the bathroom picking zits to distract myself, there was a LOUD noise which came from the direction of our bedroom. It sounded like a big pile of books falling off a dresser (which is what I thought it was). I went to the bedroom and The Rock was on the edge of the bed looking out the window. He thought the sound came from outside. SO, he runs outside with a bat, while I’m certain the threat is from within.
We still don’t know what it was, but it was an unmistakable hugely sonic vibration. It’s like hearing a car crash and not seeing cars anywhere…
Now, I just thought I heard someone walking in the living room…and The Rock is checking the house…
Weird, huh? Unexplained loud noises, being woken in the middle of the night…
No balls, but I’m working on growing some.
Oh man! Crazy. I’ve been in several haunted spaces but no luck in the ghost.
Time for a blog about a visiting shaman or something.
That is just downright spooky. I have a story to share with you… Later this month it will be on my blog. Not nearly as extensive as yours, tho. You’re a ghost magnet, dude. ;)
My story is over here. It’s not the scariest. I think you had to be there.
Here’s mine:
I cheated a little – my computer froze in the middle, so when I went back to it I stopped keeping time and to the limit.
for an extra bonus, here’s a scarey one I did a couple years ago:
Here’s mine:
I cheated a little and went longer.
Here’s a bonus scarey story from a couple years ago:
I love God I love God I love God.
All I can say is… I love God, I love God, I love God!
This is rather spooky. I’m glad your kids sleep through everything.
I’m sure you probably don’t want me to point this out, but you lived in those houses for 3 years before things started happening and then the loud boom was at 3:00am… Maybe it’s something to do with 3’s. 3 years, 3:00, maybe purge the house of all things 3’s… I want to know more, I know it’s kinda weird but I LOVE paranormal stuff. I can’t quite believe it as much as I want to, but it’s so interesting… Also, the interior door that the alarm was triggered by, was it the 3rd sensor? Just asking… Nothing like this ever happens to us.
Okay, I’m new to this and I’m also quite a bit late. My spooky/ghost story is a little different too. It exceeds the word limit but I did finish in 12 minutes, really!
(I really needed something to get the writing section of my brain switched on again, thanks.)
@Jenn Sullivan, you creeped me out a bit more now!
Crazy how repetitive life can be… in a weird, scary kind of way.
Ok. So there are a lot of things to do with 3… which I’ll post in a minute. 1st – Do you live with “The” The Rock? Cause if you do I’m going to be your bestest new friend. (haha) 2nd – The loud booms makes me wonder if it’s a plane dropped a tire? A wreck or gunfire that we can’t see? Aliens kicking in the trust on their ship? 3rd – the whole “ball rolling down the stairs” thing gave me the heebey jeebies. 4th – You can “take a ghost with you”. Yep. I watched a show recently about it and they said a ghost/entitiy can attach it’self to you and go where you go. SO… maybe your entity found you?
ok… here’s for the 3’s. I stole this from: http://www.ghostvillage.com/ghostcommunity/lofiversion/index.php?t25615.html
The number 3 in nature and reality:
Reality consists of 3 things, matter, time, and space. Each one of these 3 things can be further divided into 3 things. There’s 3, threes for you right there. Maybe 333 just represents all of reality or completeness because of this? It’s said to represent completeness in many forms of numerology and religious traditions.
1. Matter exists primarily in 3 states: solids, liquids, and gases
2. Time exists in 3 ways: Past, present, future
3. Space is divisible by 3 as we live in a 3 dimensional reality: Height, depth, width
YOU are made of three parts, a body, mind, and spirit.
The Earth being the only known planet in the solar system to contain life, is the THIRD planet from the Sun.
Thought, word, and deed, complete the sum of human capability
The Three Kingdoms of animal, vegetable, and mineral further divide matter into 3 parts.
The number 3 in religions:
Wicca- The rule of 3 -claims that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.
Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
Three Roots: Guru, Yidam and Dakini/Dharmapala
3 Negatives: Ignorance, Clinging/Greed/Desire, and Passion/Anger
Three Kayas: realities or states of existence
Three forms of action: mental, verbal, and physical
The Trinity- God exists as three Persons
3 wise men payed homage to Jesus as a child
Christ was dead for 3 days before the resurrection
God’s attributes are three: omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence
There are 3 gates on each side of New Jerusalem and 3 walls in the sanctuary
There’s actually a lot of interesting things about the number 3 when it comes to science and mathematics too. I can’t quote them all here from memory though. If anyone knows of or can think of any more, please list them! Also, if anyone knows about numerology and what 3 means as a life or destiny number, and what it might symbolize in various numerology traditions, that would be interesting too. Also, if anyone else has had strange/ coincidental experiences with numbers, I’d like to hear about those too. If anyone thinks I’m insane for thinking this much into a number…please, keep that to yourself..(AnnieV!)
and remember, as Schoolhouse Rock once taught us all in song, 3 is a magic number!