So I’ve revived my manuscript-in-progress, quite surprised to find I’m further along than I thought. Plus, I’ve corralled the journals, scraps, and napkins that link my plot like a cotton candy locomotive, and I’m incorporating the airy tufts, making them real. Best of all, I started to muse again. Gosh darn, I love this story, even if it’s a simple yarn, even if it’s too complex, even if it’s flat, or too jumpy, even if it’s comprised of too many made-up words. Yep, even if. Let’s just say, opening the portal felt good.
But this is about you.
For this week’s PROMPTuesday, let’s assume your book is getting published. And that you need a dedication page.
What is your book about, who will you dedicate your book to and what will you say?
Write a story based on this prompt.
(Thanks to Fiction Addiction for the idea.)
Meanwhile, for the heretofore unPROMPTless, here’s the skinny (I use this term non-personagraphically): PROMPTuesday is a once-a-week deal where I issue a creative writing prompt and hope that people take it and run. PROMPTuesday submissions appear in the comment box below the PROMPT post for all to read. It’s the most fun. (And there’s a lot of talent out there.)
To read PROMPTuesdays gone by, please click here.
52 Faces says
Oooh what a great idea! I have a novel that I’m hoping real bad to publish so this is particularly timely for me :)
I’m so glad you like my playlist! I have a sillier one on my private blog that’s all Donnie Klang lol
I’ll now make my way through your monster collection of playlists :D
S of 52 Faces
Jenn @ Juggling Life says
Longhand? That impresses me.
stoneskin says
I don’t think I can write a story based on that, but if I ever publish it would probably be a rant about frustrating things in life (sieves, stubbing toes, numskulls on the train) wrapped up in an eccentric adventure (loosely).
It might be dedicated to my family. Or maybe one of the greats. Douglas Adams perhaps!
vodkamom says
I’d be too busy crying with happiness and relief to even THINK about the dedication page.
g says
Mine’s up!! I almost didn’t do this, because I though, how dorky an acknowledgement from me would be….but then I got an idea…..
w w w . d o v e s 2 d a y . b l o g s p o t . c o m
And just so you know – my only cheat is to take more than 10 minutes…maybe 1/2 hour?
Green Girl says
I can’t wait to read yours! Once I saw a romance novel with a one page dedication to the author’s cat.
Jennifer says
This book follows along my life and places twist on what I thought should have been or what I can allow my imagination to run with.
So this book is dedicated to my family first, for bringing me to life and second living it with me. Without them there’d be no book it would’ve ended at the first sign of crisis. Love you all!
Of course what kind of person would I be if I didn’t thank God for his almighty power and guidance that has been with me from the beginning.
Last but not least this goes out to all the people who have walked in and out of my life. You’ve all left pieces of yourselves with me, that will always inspire me to be better.
Thank you and God Bless.
Short, unoriginal and within the time limit. In all truth that’s probably what it’d look like if I ever became published.
The San Diego Hermit says
This was my first submission for PROMPTuesday, but I have been following Cherie’s (Blog THIS Mom!) for some time now. Thanks for offering up these prompts :)
Cheri @ Blog This Mom! says
You said “published.” So now I have to stay in my hidey hole.
See you next week!
MommyTime says
What a fun prompt, though I have nothing to write in response to it as yet. But I to say that now you’ve got me all excited about this story that you are working on, and I am hoping that you might trot out bits of it here for us to read. Would you? That would be so wonderful!
Eden says
Oh I love this one! I’ve been reading submissions all evening & am exhausted but I’ll do this in my writing blog tomorrow or Thursday.
San Diego Momma says
Well, I got a late start today, so I am off to read today’s PROMPTs!
And Jennifer: NOT unoriginal. It’s from the heart and I love reading that.
MommyTime: Check HERE and HERE! But they’re unpolished and unedited and ohmygosh need work.
Barrie Summy says
How wonderful that you’re back into you ms.
Blognut says
I actually wrote this in my head, but I can’t put it on my blog… or yours… or God’s. AAARGH! I have no balls.
ilinap says
Oh, I love longhand writing. I dream of writing a dedication page.
Eden says