I’m not competitive, I’m just not. A fire burns in me to be the best I can and I do like to win Trivial Pursuit or Balderdash, but I’ve never felt the itch to have the biggest house, enter my kids in the best schools or drive the shiniest car (actually, no danger of…Continue Reading
This Is Gonna Go Platinum
Today, I came across notes for a middle grade book I planned to write many years ago. I’ve since adapted it into something else, although the current draft still contains overtones of this early summary. Please don’t get all jealous when I post some of it here. You can write, too. But we can’t…Continue Reading
San Diego Momma In Deed
Today. Happy Where I Am/Chris Trapper Be Open/Richard Smallwood & Vision We’re lucky enough to live about a mile from here. I’m in the process of picking I’ve picked a song for each picture, which will be is my weekly “Sunday’s Playlist.” I’ll have this up tonight. Enjoy. Right now, I’m…Continue Reading
The Spiderick Chronicles
Spiders suck. Spiders crawl on you, look funny, and lurk in corners. Plus, I’ve seen several of them jump. J-u-m-p. Onto people. And cattle, which they then eat whole. I grew up in Illinois. I saw it. I do not like spiders, but I try to be as nice to them as possible. When…Continue Reading
All is quiet on the western front. The laundry’s folded. The Ring of Tam Tam rests comfortably atop a vial of pixie dust, surrounded by the protective Ma-Nu necklace. There was a struggle, I’m not going to lie to you, gentle readers. Spoorie proved formidable. But now,…Continue Reading
Soul Soothers
And so what soothes the soul after the pounding, the wounding, the surrounding? What opens it, spills it, lays it down Who lets it in, says just stay here or fly, it’s up to you And at last the fluttering, the humming, the dance It stops, for an eon, a second A butterfly cocooned, not…Continue Reading
Here’s the thing. I’ve always, always, always been insecure about my looks. And not just my looks, but everything, including my ability to do anything, and just about everything else. BUT, we’re talking about appearances now. So let me drive home the point in short, but effective words and phrases: Insecure. Think I’m Not…Continue Reading
On the Subject of Beauty
Just for the record: I joked in yesterday’s post. I mean, I do not want my daughters to elevate beauty above all else, but I promise I don’t submerge them in an ice bath chanting, “you’re ugly, but smart!” either. Anyway. I got to thinking. I mean, yes, I recreated yesterday’s conversation for comedic…Continue Reading
Beauty and the Brain
Oh crap. It’s begun. My daughter asked me this morning if she were beautiful and I cringed. Then, I scrambled. Then, I imaginated a response that would make her value brains and wit over beauty. Our exchange went something like this: Me: Yes, you are beautiful. On the inside, which is most…Continue Reading
Sunday’s Playlist, Except That It’s Monday
I’m sorry for the delay, it’s just that Spoorie had to be stopped. So this playlist is special. This guy sang at my wedding and he is an awesome and insightful songwriter, and you hear him and think, “yes! yes! that’s how I feel, too,” and then you wish you could write like him…Continue Reading
Make Me Laugh Mondays
Oh thank you, Absolutely Bananas. I needed this today. Because right now I am editing a 59-page report on IT in Pakistan. And no matter how I try, there is no comedy to be found in that. First of all, let me say that I’m a fan of faux documentaries (like Best in…Continue Reading
Playtime of Doom!
Tons of fun here today in DementoVille. My kids imagine the most wonderful and mystical things, usually while perpetrating acts of random violence. I think I know what happened to our cat. Anyway! Come join me for a tour of the enchanting and phantasmagorical! Hop aboard the freak train! Everyone on? And away we…Continue Reading