If you like me even a little bit, please do not read any further. I must express the following, because I’m an expresser, but it will disturb and irritate you. BUT if you made it this far, please call the cops if I don’t blog tomorrow. My husband is ready to kill me.…Continue Reading
Will Blog for Free Medical Diagnosis (Anyone Can Apply!)
So now I have a band of numbness radiating across my lower back, gas (I don’t think it’s the beans) and upper/lower quadrant pressure (feels like something is under my ribs AND poking my pelvic bone). AND, it’s not my husband. Anyone familiar with deadly diseases who cares to hazard a diagnosis? And…Continue Reading
Five Classes I Wish They Would Have Taught In School
What an excellent meme. (Or as Jamie says, “me me,” which is so perfect.) Thanks, MommyPie for tagging me me. Well, I alluded to it below: I’m tired. I’m worried about my stomach lump. I ain’t got much to give today. BUT, this got me thinking and I can’t NOT write about it, so……Continue Reading
On The Road Again
I’m compelled to use clichés today, I think it’s because I’m tired. So very, very tired. Must be the large growth inside my belly, which I’ve known about for a year, but tests turned up nothing and now there’s no denying something is inside me and I’m just hoping it’s not cancerous. Or a baby.…Continue Reading
This Could Make Me Look Good(er)
Normally this post would go in the Momma Love section, but I’m busy making beans, so this must suffice as my post today. Meanwhile, please transmit fart death ray thoughts into the universe and pray that I don’t gas anyone to death with my super-farticious beans. I don’t know why, but my beans are always…Continue Reading
Chef’s Surprise
Toots told me she would make dinner tonight and I wholeheartedly accepted, thinking she’d put a pile of Flintstone’s vitamins on a plate and call it a day. But no, she had something else in mind, and as she gathered the items from the fridge, I sat and typed at my computer, marveling at…Continue Reading
Wherever You Go, There You Are
Do you ever feel as if you’ve lost your sense of humor? Or worse, you never had one and nobody told you? Or that you can’t write? Or that you have no voice? That’s happened to me today. I love reading blogs, but the problem is, I compare myself to everyone I…Continue Reading
Vicodin Makes Men Sweet
The Rock got de-rocked today and after four Vicodin, he felt a little woozy. He has this thing where he’s convinced he’s immune to anesthesia because when he was 5 the novacaine didn’t work and he felt his tooth being pulled. So today, the same thing happened: he felt sharp probing objects down there…Continue Reading
Taking It Down
I recently looked at these photos taken of people before and after their death and it affected me profoundly. I remember my mother’s face at the moment of death and am struck by the similarities, the peace, the last smear of expression, a final thought imprinted in a sideways mouth, a furrowed brow. I’m struck…Continue Reading
Fine Fettle?
I just got an e-mail from a colleague which began, “Hi, hope all is in fine fettle.” Is that a thing? I haven’t Googled it yet, but I don’t think that’s a thing.
What Have I, What Have I, What Have I Done to Deserve This?
Hi, I’m Bob. Look, I can’t get me any San Diego Momma lovin’, so I thought I’d come to the blog hole, where she spends every flocking minute and get her to notice me, just pay attention for one minute. I’m dying over here. So I’m going to air our dirty laundry in…Continue Reading
Big Blogger Bonanza (I mean that metaphorically)
Yesterday was big. First, I lunched with lovely Amanda from the Mom Crowd, who was visiting San Diego with her husband and zen baby, Ace. Truly a wonderful time was had by all (well, by me…I don’t have independent verification from all parties involved). And I have to be honest, I don’t often meet…Continue Reading