I wish there were a better solution than to split up all these children and scatter them throughout Texas. From the Salt Lake Tribune: “The hundreds of children from a polygamist compound taken into state custody are on their way to group homes, shelters and residences, but experts and lawyers fear their transition may…Continue Reading
THE IMPORTANT: It’s MommyPie’s 40th birthday! MommyPie was the first person to e-mail me after I launched San Diego Momma, and was so warm and funny that I’ve been following her blog ever since. Plus, she loves Ghost Hunters AND Paranormal State, which in my book, is an instant guarantee of best friendship…Continue Reading
Too Much Talent for My Little Blog
Thank you to those who participated in PROMPTuesday. I loved reading your poems and am wowed and cowed by your lyrical talent. (Here’s a little PROMPTuesday background.) Thanks also to the people who read the poems, left comments, and laughed surreptitiously. If you missed it, check out the nonsense poem submissions here: Greormeoeprkeadocious.…Continue Reading
For Me, This is Just For Me
Look, I know: shut up already about your intestine and what may or may not be inside. Just keep quiet about fatty livers and polypy gallbladders and for God’s sake, lady, you already told us you were a hypochondriac and you really expect us to believe you’re sick? Well, fine. I’m just writing this…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday Exercise #1
Here we go! It’s out first PROMPTuesday! And remember: ANYONE can participate. This is for fun. Even if you don’t care a hill of beans for creative writing prompts or, for that matter, creative writing in general, you are welcome in this place of non-judgment and happy color rainbows! Yeah! Miss Mary/Barry Sunshines all over…Continue Reading
In my early 20s, I blind dated a man who, upon seeing a tiny puppy yanked mercilessly on its leash by a teen-ager, jumped up from our shared frozen yogurt to confront the kid. We’d watched the dog yelp for a few seconds and I, not wanting to make a scene, said nothing, while…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesdays: Let’s Make Writing Fun Again!
Let Your Imagination Bear Fruit. So I want to be a writer. How about you? Or, maybe you just want to play with words, take pleasure in the creation of something thought-provoking, humorous, insightful? Either way, I’ve decided to do something on San Diego Momma to inspire me, flex my writing muscles…Continue Reading
Creative Writer?
I’m starting a new San Diego Momma tradition called “PROMPTuesdays.” And it’s going to really lube up those writing muscles (just decided that “lube” really is the kind of word which should only be used in conjunction with “oil”)…BUT, you know what I’m saying, right? Every Tuesday, I’ll issue a new writing prompt…Continue Reading
April 20, 1941 – November 10, 1997
This Sunday’s Playlist is dedicated to my mom, Angela, who would have been 67 today. (Please note that if you do follow that link above, I included it in the interest of full disclosure. I wasn’t all light and rainbows when it came to my mom. In fact, after she died, I was still…Continue Reading
Books Saved My Life
I don’t know where I’d be without books. I moved a lot as a kid, and books quite literally were my best friends when I didn’t have any others. I cried myself to sleep many, many nights, comforted only by my friends Ginnie, Trixie, and Nancy. If I hadn’t read that other people…Continue Reading
Blodder, Blodder, Blodder! Get Your Blodder Here!
This happens EVERY TIME! I get memed right when I need blodder (blog fodder) most. First, Matter of Fact Mommy, asked me to list seven random things about myself, which I’m happy to do, although it will surely reduce you to sheer and utter boredom. And secondly, Mommy Pie, my favorite ghostbuster, tagged…Continue Reading
Pretty Moody Sometimes (You Do The Acronym)
It’s just that I’m frustrated. I haven’t wanted to post because I’m irritated, disconcerted, and befouled (does that mean I crapped my pants?). I’ve been bemoaning the state of the medical profession in Southern California, the U.S., the world, although I think healthcare is better in France? Also, maybe Germany? I don’t know. I still…Continue Reading