I went to a San Diego Blog Bitches dinner last night, and all I got was this lousy link to the most hysterical recap ever. I was going to post my own summary, but there’s no way I’m following this act.
July’s Book Club
This month, we’re reading Third Angel by Alice Hoffman. Another book by The Hoff I loved: Ice Queen.
Into the Void
The other day, I pushed learning-to-swim Toots into the pool. I know, I know. It’s just that she wanted desperately to jump off the edge into the shallow end (I’m not a total monster), hesitating time and again, yearning to jump, really struggling with herself and her fear of the unknown. And, suddenly, I…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #10: Dream Book
Welcome to PROMPTuesday! Glad you’re here. So, lucky number 10, huh? Right? Holy cridoodle. There’s been 10 PROMPTuesdays already! You’re all growing up right before my eyes. Soon, you’ll be pouring whiskey into Clinique trial hairspray bottles and sneaking into the janitor’s bathroom during your high school homecoming game to get buzzed. But you’ll forget…Continue Reading
100 Degrees and Rising
Management regrets to inform you that San Diego Momma has dissolved into a puddle of gelatinous body tissue, unresolved neuroses, and iced Soy Lattes. We’re working on putting her back together bigger, stronger, and faster than before. Well, maybe not bigger. But definitely without a vagina.
Note to Playtex’s R&D Dept.: More Grip, Less Glide
Lots of frolicking on the beach today! People everywhere! Toddlers running, kids romping, teens lounging. Wow! Just throngs of humanity. And you, there in the thick of it all, real close to the beach, up front where everyone can see you, just gallivanting, gallivanting. Splashing to and fro, chasing your kids, jumping up and down.…Continue Reading
Next Book Up
I’m thinking of giving this a whirl — The Secret of Lost Things — by Sheridan* Hay. Has anyone read it? Is it like every other book telling of lost manuscripts and obsessed book sellers? *Footnote: Sheridan is the fake name I give to Starbucks baristas and put on those required name badges you…Continue Reading
Kung Fu Panda Giveaway: Time’s Up! Contest Ended at 10PM PST.
ROBIN FARNSWORTH WON (13th comment): Please e-mail me to claim prize! Congrats! Contest time is up! I’ll announce winner by Saturday evening! I have one Kung Fu Panda computer game (for PC), three activity CDs (includes a dance video, photo/print projects, frames and cards, stickers, etc.) and a Kung Fu Panda soundtrack…Continue Reading
June’s Book Club Book
The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai. Beautiful writing (sometimes bordering on contrived, but only sometimes), interesting characters, absorbing “larger” theme of cultural clashes. Recommended…BUT please note there is not much plot resolution. So if this bothers you, you might want to skip it.
PROMPTuesday #9: Poetic Inspiration
Today’s PROMPTuesday keeps it simple. Read this poem (one of my favorites): Disillusionment of Ten O’Clock by Wallace Stevens The houses are haunted By white night-gowns. None are green, Or purple with green rings, Or green with yellow rings, Or yellow with blue rings. None of them are strange, With socks of…Continue Reading
Father’s Day: A Succession of Moments
But first, some photo notes: –I’m growing a bodybuilder neck. And I don’t lift weights. Or work out (much). Thoughts? –I don’t intentionally dress my children as hobos. It just turns out that way. –Costco does not sell enough Kirkland wipes for Toots. –We do not beat our children (although we sometimes submerge them…Continue Reading
There’s so much to do on my agenda (more shopping links, a 6 degrees of bloggeration post, and following through on my commitments ), but ding dang, I’m tapped. I even went to the Dinner Studio Wednesday night to save me time, precious moments I could use to exercise and figure out why my…Continue Reading