So my friend The Cocktail Maven, book clubber extraordinaire and creator of the ever popular “Cocktails in Historic Places” group, e-mailed me with the news that PROMPTuesdays inspired her to complete a 2,000-word short story. And I was pleased. So pleasured was I that I thought she should create this week’s PROMPTuesday prompt.…Continue Reading
Write Something, Anything!
So I will. Turns out we enjoyed a pretty eventful week around here. Not really on the Fourth of July front, which mainly involved fending off pot smoke, errant marshmallows, and a high tide, but the rest of the time? Pretty much a lot going on. It started Wednesday night. We ambitiously took…Continue Reading
Happy Fourth of July!
Imprints of youth: Stretched out on a blanket, stomach packed with homemade ice cream, holding my breath as silver sprinkles explode, dropping tentacle by tentacle into the horizon. Watching fireflies dodge between sparklers, hearing the distant shouts of other neighborhood children, whooping with delight in answer to their parents’ murmured caution. Red…Continue Reading
What’s in a Name? Too Much Interesting and Funny!
Since the discovery of a “SID’S Baby Furniture” in Los Angeles in 1992, I’ve found the names of things interesting. (And SID’S? Baby Furniture? Who didn’t do their research?) Then there’s Sum Yung Guy Chinese, and the famous “Donut Touch” here in San Diego. Talk about compelling advertising. THAT donut shop obviously knows something we…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #11: The Infomercial
This week, please humor me by writing an infomercial for this product: OK, go! (But first: Are you going to make this an infomercial for a super-duper jumbo turbo vibratron? Really? Me too!) Well, before you proceed, here are the “rules” (YAWNNNN): You must write your entry in 10 minutes. This…Continue Reading
It Never Quite Goes Away, Pt. 3
Part 1 Here. Part 2 Here. Far From the End So he’s trembling on my doorstep, clutching a ridiculous and probably stolen, bottle of wine. He’s sweat-soaked, too, which I discover is because he walked the 16 miles to my apartment in the late August sun. I’m surprised to see him, really, I…Continue Reading
Live and Let Live
I’ve been blogging since 2001. For many years, I remained content to write in my little corner of the universe, rarely reaching out to other bloggers and vice versa. In fact, I never promoted my blog, included its link in comments, or spoke about it much at all. Part of my seclusion arose from the…Continue Reading
It Never Quite Goes Away, Con’t
Intro to the Craziest Story on Earth In the Middle I returned to my friends at the bar, exactly at closing time. I clutched the artist’s phone number in my fist, and swooned in the back seat of the car, bedazzled and buzzing. That night he called to be sure I made it…Continue Reading
My New Notecards
I can’t even think of one sarcastic or funny thing to say here, as love struck as I am over my new notecards. Check it: I actually put my family name here, as in “The San Diego Mommasons.” Original, eh? Here’s the back of the card: Myra from Moon…Continue Reading
Why I Wish I Could Sing What I Write
How beautiful would it be to write your words, your truth, then be able to fully bring them to life through your voice, your eyes, your hands? I’ve often longed to sing certain poems I’ve written and have the words leap, writhe, and bloom physically through me. Like, it’s one thing to write about…Continue Reading
It Never Quite Goes Away
This past PROMPTuesday, I wrote a little snippet about someone hiding under my bed. In the story, this person was an undesirable someone. A someone you’d most definitely NOT want to find lurking under your bed. And it really happened. A lot really happened those 12 years ago, stuff that I’m going to…Continue Reading
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Every morning now as I prepare her breakfast, Booger asks me for “sumting elf.” Not a species of fairfolk, no, rather, two-year-oldese for “something else.” So when it comes to food, a play destination, or outfits, I’m a magician with a hat, hoping to pull a rabbit or flying gerbil from the depths in an…Continue Reading