In light of my upcoming trip this Wednesday, today’s PROMPT is short and sweet (and selfish). Can you tell me a story of a fear you’ve overcome? Fiction is of course, welcome. As are poems. Or one-liners. In fact, anything goes. Anything. Go! (And thank you.)
The Mouse Does It Again
I don’t care who you are, when you watch your kids light up at Disneyland, your black heart is sure to turn gray, and if you’re lucky, it might go completely pink on you. I didn’t really feel like fighting crowds, to be honest, or waiting in lines, or missing nap times, or…Continue Reading
Happiest Place on Earth
Good. That ought to help. (You’ll never guess where we’re going tomorrow.)
So Sue Me
Hi. I’m drunk. Sorry, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be until next Wednesday. Which is the day I board my plane to New York. I tried to hard to vlog today because I’m pretty much unable to write, think, drive, eat, sleep these days and I really wanted you to see the…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #25: The Wine’s Drunk, But the Memories Remain
Would you guys bear with me for a few more weeks? I’m sucking, I know. It’s just that I’ve been so busy. (And you know, panicked.) Annnnyyywayyy. Here’s the thing. My mom used to collect wine corks from dinners or parties with friends, which she’d ask everyone at the dinner or party to…Continue Reading
In the Hopper
Well it’s 6:30AM, which these days is the best time for me to blog. Toots lays in our bed, after having a nightmare, Booger is sleeping off her temper tantrum, and The Rock is showering downstairs (and he’d better bring the razor up this time.) My phone rang a few short minutes ago, and…Continue Reading
What’s Missing Today
We talked at breakfast, arguing politics, healthcare, the economy. Dozens of people nursed coffees, poked their eggs, and gazed out the window at the water. Families waiting for a seat paced outside, while the hostess scribbled name after name. Kids ran between their parents’ legs, teen-agers smoked, uncles sighed, ailing mothers whimpered, bums curled in…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #24: The One-Liner
Excellent writer and super cool blogger, Tap Dancing on the Edge of Reason, provided me with her son’s writing prompt, which I think will work just fine for this PROMPTuesday. Just fine indeed. It is: “You are in a corn field, with your dog, when all of a sudden, a plastic…” Imagine…Continue Reading
Baby, Come Back!
Hi. Yeah, I know it’s been awhile. I’ve been busy. It’s not you, it’s me. I just needed some time. Time to ponder why I voluntarily agreed to get on a plane in two weeks when everyone knows I’m terrified to fly and I can’t sleep, concentrate, focus, talk normally, or…Continue Reading
Angel Gills
Breaking news bulletin (that I’m just getting around to posting): Shimmer the Bulimic Fish passed away (last week). Currently, the San Diego Mommasons are pondering life, death, and whether Fish Heaven is an ocean or just a giant fishbowl (which would suck enormous tasteless fish flakes for Shimmer the Bulimic Fish). There’s…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #23: TV Pilot
I saw a pretty funny movie on Showtime this weekend. TV Set. Have you seen it? It’s not the best thing since a burn-free face, but it IS a delightful, fluffy romp. It’s about a writer whose TV pilot script is “revamped” and “restructured” by television producers who don’t know what they’re doing. In short,…Continue Reading
Getting Over Myself, UPDATED
UPDATED TO ADD: I am working on ordering you all roses and a chocolate fountain, but meanwhile, thanks for your kind comments and general awesomeness. As is my way, I’m suffering a blogging crisis. I’ve been evaluating and reviewing and comparing and ACK! I hate when I do that. Anyway, I was…Continue Reading