Honestly? For the last few months or so, I’ve given much thought to retiring PROMPTuesday. There’s so many outstanding prompt websites out there, many which I visit regularly, that do it RIGHT. Stuff like full-on websites devoted to the prompting, Twitter parties, newsletters even. AND with all the prompt excellence, I don’t want to be a half-ass be-prompter. You know, sometimes I post Tuesday’s prompt on Wednesday; sometimes I re-run old prompts; sometimes I don’t even do my OWN PROMPTuesdays. But something keeps me coming back. I started PROMPTuesday from the heart and that’s where it stays. So even if I’m the only one doing it (or more like not doing it) (It’s been a busy 18 months), I still need to show up here and post the prompt.
I just love doing it too much.
What one thing can’t you give up?
Please post your submission in the comments OR post in your blog and leave a link to your blog in the comments.
First time to PROMPTuesday? Read a bit about it here. Want to see what’s been written in the past? Catch up on the PROMPTuesdays archive here.
Mama Mary says
This is an interesting one for me since I’ve given up a few things lately that I never thought I could like flavored creamer, chai tea lattes and nightly wine. :) But I’ll put some thought into this one.
Jess says
Thanks again Deb. Please don’t give up promptuesday. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that gets me to blog.
melissa says
i’m off to write. be back to link later.
melissa says
http://www.rockanddrool.com/2011/03/15/promptuesday/ here is my post
Trish says
I’m glad you’re not giving up promptuesday!
Trish says
Deb says
I haven’t been coming around on Tuesdays… have I? Bad Debbie. Baaad baaaaad Debbie.
I think you should keep PrompTuesday going. And I will try to be more consistent.