For this week’s creative writing prompt all I ask is that you tell me everything you wouldn’t tell your closest friend. Also, in telling me, you will be telling ones, no dozens, of others!
Sounds tempting, no?
And if posting your dirty little secret weren’t enough, I must request that you do it in haiku.
It just must be that way.
It’s zen and stuff.
Way back when, when I first started blogging as San Diego Momma, I entered a haiku contest. And I submitted the following:
“Online all the time
Husband about to leave me
I blogged about it”
And I won! A prize! A prizedy prize of gifty proportions!
So. In that spirit, please post your dirty little secret haiku-style.
There will be no prize. Other than the glow that comes from a job well done.
Meanwhile, please post your submission in the comments OR post in your blog and leave a link to your blog in the comments.
First time to PROMPTuesday? Read a bit about it here.
Want to see what’s been written in the past? Catch up on the PROMPTuesdays archive here.
Funny! Thanks
James Curtis of San Diego
This is so much fun. I must be doing too much clean living these days – I have to think about it for a while to even come up with at DLS. Thanks for the food for thought.
Husband hired a boy
I dreamt of licking his chest
while picking berries
tomorrow a job
interview, my heart
says sabotage it
You believe me kind —
While I steep in cruelty, and
Prick my voodoo doll.
I used to steal things.
I was very good at it.
I never got caught.
I am stuck on band-aid
band-aid’s stuck on me.
oh… no?!
Like greasy fingers
Rashly wiped on my pants leg,
Some wrongs stain; some don’t.
You little minxes
With your secrets and true lies
How I love you all
(This is for you my dirty little secrety commenters)
I don’t daily make my bed
And though I should,
it doesn’t weigh on my head.
And when my husband hasn’t traveled of late
Instead of joy,
My attitude gets stuck in a bitter state.
I dream of cookies
But instead I eat quinoa
Oh how woe is me
I do a post “Oh Yeah? Well Haiku To You Too!” on some Fridays…I’m actually posting tonite. My fave original Haiku by me is
PMS is tough…
Chocolate eases the pain…
The scale doesn’t lie…