Nita Tenshyn @everybody So if you tweet in the forest and a tree falls, does anyone hear you?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody Ha! If I were a tree, I’d be deciduous.
Nita Tenshyn @everybody No, a pine. They’re evergreens. right? Anyone know?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody I love granola! Who’s with me?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody If you were granola, what kind would you be?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody Mine would have nuts in it. LOL.
Nita Tenshyn @everybody Eek! An ant! I HATE ants. HATE. ANTS. With all the hate I have. Who else?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody Justin Timberlake is awesome.
Nita Tenshyn @everybody What’s your favorite Justin Timberlake song?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody Mine is Rock Your Body. LOL.
Nita Tenshyn Where is at @everybody?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody I feel fat. LOL.
Nita Tenshyn @everybody If I could be any kind of fat, I’d be essential. Like Omega-3. How about you guys?
Nita Tenshyn @everybody Funny @shutupNita! You rock.
Ima Tryntohard @everybody I changed my screen name!
Ima Tryntohard @everybody I said that with jazz hands. LOL. I crack myself up. Who makes you laugh?
Twitter ADMIN @everybody @Ima Tryntohard has been banned for lameness. We apologize for the interruption.
Ima Tryntohard2 @everybody OMG! New screen name! I love to mix it up. LOL.
Ima Tryntohard2 @everybody If I were a mixer, I’d totally be a Kitchen Aid. You?
Ima Tryntohard2 @everybody Wait! Why can’t I ty
Mimi says
ha love it. I’m totally addicted to twitter.
Cheri @ Blog This Mom! says
I almost peed myself reading this (having nothing at all to do with old-lady bladder, natch).
Melanie @ Mel, A Dramatic Mommy says
You’re fab! :D
Bridget Smith says
You forgot about the hourly tweet about what was for lunch/dinner/breakfast.
PS You are sooo much better and funnier than Dooce!
Cactus Petunia says
The wine cabinet. Definitely a must have!