I’m bogged down with 540,903 pages to edit before 5PM, so this will be quick.
Here’s a picture of me and my dad.
He wasn’t allowed in the delivery room.
I wish we still had that couch.
Here’s a picture of my mom and dad at their wedding shower. He’d just said something a) dirty; b) inappropriate! or c) dirtily inappropriate.
Here’s something I wrote about rain:
It’s my favorite brand of rain tonight: gutsy, fierce and ghoulish.
The kind of rain that begins historical dramas with bonneted girls and boys snug in bed within a stone manor, where a fire blazes against a black cast iron soup pot while outside a lone darkish silhouette trudges up a wind-whipped, tree-lined pathway, travelling wearily and soon to fall prey to a headless horseman, man-wolf or Jack the Ripper attack, after which his head, limbs, or heart rolls soundlessly down the cobbled walkway to bump gently against the manor’s wooden door jamb, only to be morbidly and maybe gushily discovered by the chambermaid sweeping bits of crumb from the hearth outside.
Here’s a poem:
I remember you, pacing the corner
in all your rumple
Fingers corkscrewed in your hair
like a lure in a fish
Mouthing the fervent soundtrack
to a movie in your head
Come out of the corner
to stand with me here
The movie will be over
and you haven’t seen a thing
Sorry. I know — why didn’t I just shoot you?
I had a comment. I really did. Then I got to the photo of your parents, and everything went out of my head because it was replaced with, “Holy shiz. Deb looks like her mama.”
I’m sorry. I’ll try harder next time.
You are so cute, Deb. Really.
I can’t say anything apart from…
Nice Couch
It would be awesome if you had that couch–the term for it now is “mid-century chic.”
540,903 words to edit!!? You need a break. Wanna meet at the Yellow Book Road tomorrow somewhere between 11:00 and 12:30? Susan Patron’s doing a meet & greet and showing her power point again. Let me know. Very cool to have a Newbery winner in town for one more day. Just let me know….
Wow, your mom was incredibly, stylishly beautiful and you look just like her. I love that picture of her and the expression on her face. Thanks for sharing that.
Great post! :)
Pure awesomeness. ESPECIALLY the couch.
That couch is great! And you look just like your mother – lucky you. Loved “…my favorite brand of rain…”.
Hope you got through all 540,903 pages. Ugh.
omg, i make that look on your mom’s face too when someone says something off-color or inappropriate! and yeah, you look SO MUCH like her!
hope you made it through the editing! :D
I wish I had photos of my mom and dad lo those many years ago. I probably do, too, somewhere.
I love that you share these with us. It’s really quite sweet.
Good luck on the work!
that couch? totally retro.
your mom? you look just her.
your mom’s hair? le sigh.
that rain? worthy of an 800 page novel’s first page.
What a great picture of you and your dad! Thanks for sharing the poem too. I like the imagery.
Love those photos. How sweet.
I wrote a comment and it was eaten. Great photos and love the poems. Believe me, my first comment was better but now, I got nothing.
What my wife said.
You look just like your mom! I wish you still had that couch and I wish I had your mom’s dress.