Thanks to all who participated in the Fodder extravaganza! It’s still going, if you’re up for it…Click Here to leave a comment suggesting a post topic. For a list of those who’ve written posts inspired other bloggers, Click Here.
Also, thanks for the PROMPTuesday submissions. I’ll be working on mine a little late, but it will definitely go out to my husband, who patiently sticks around and offers guidance counseling to my neurotic self while I jump up and down and tell him to “Stop telling me stuff.”
Also, did you see the sidebar where I told you my book club read The Cellist of Sarajevo this month? Well, I adored it. Simply, plainly adored it. It’s lyrical, and elegant, and powerful, and spare, and beautiful. I think it’s made it as one of my favorite books of all time, and that’s really saying something. Except for the last year or so, when I’ve barely had time to read the writing on the wall, but still…in aggregate, I’ve read a lot of books in my lifetime.
In other news, I’m going to have to bust out a product review on your butts, and I’m sorry. I plan to develop a separate product review site, because there’s a lot of things I love and want to talk about, but this hardly seems the forum. I tried to make Momma Love its own page, but I can’t program its posts to stay off my home page, so it sucks the wad. Anyway, the product I plan to review saved my finger from possible amputation, so it deserves a mention.
Oh and in addition, I’m editing a piece I wrote for something that pays, and the words will not come. Can you say a prayer that for once I don’t muck up my writing with useless adjectives and made-up words? It seems a problem I can’t quite shake. I had no idea how much I rely on nonsense words to tell my stories.
And finally. Some Moonlighting dialogue for you, as written by a wannabe scriptwriter named San Diego Momma, The Early Years. (Someone asked that I post this, right?)
(Wow, silence really CAN be deafening.)
MADDIE (as played by the illustrious Cybill Shepherd): (Walking to her office) Grrr. (She bursts open the door and finds David seated behind her desk. Her teeth are clenched) Good morning, Mr. Addison. May I ask why you are seated behind MY desk in MY chair in MY office?
DAVID (acted by the multi-dimensional Bruce Willis): I was just waiting for Miss Mary Sunshine otherwise known as Maddie Hayes.
MADDIE: (Gives an exasperated sigh) Da-vid.
DAVID: Hey, you know what I was thinking Maddie?
MADDIE: (Sarcastically) I can’t imagine.
DAVID: (Ignoring her) Well, I’ll tell you. Last night as I was laying in bed, I looked up at the mirror on my ceiling and I saw a handsome face. And do you know what that face said to me, Maddie? It said underwear.
MADDIE: Underwear?
DAVID: Underwear, Maddie, underwear. You know, the little pants you wear under your dress? Just picture our faces on people’s underwear advertising Blue Moon Investigations. (Walks over to her, puts his arm around her and gestures outward). Just think for a minute, we could become a household name! Everyone would know who we are!
….And there’s more. Involving camels, mental institutions and thinly veiled sexual tension. All the stuff that makes for a good script.
Except in this case.
I’m praying you find words that are not goobacloggedety for your paid work.
I loved Moonlighting. Loved it.
Also, I love The Hour I First Believed. I’m halfway through. Have you read yours yet? Meanwhile, I will check out Cellist just because you said so. And please, tell me how to save my finger from possible amputation because I will use that know-how on my big toe. I hope.
I too will pray that the filter between your mind and your keyboard catches all things resembling useless adjectives and made up words.
Gunter glieben glauchen globen a’kgjr posg gublin
Oh wait, that was Def Leppard. I meant
Pater, Filius et Spiritus Sanctus.
i would watch that. i loved that show.
I love this post. It’s so Debbish. It’s full of all sorts of little treats for the mind, jumping from one interesting point to another, leaving me wanting more. (Did you take your Lithium today?) — JOKE. Maybe I shouldn’t say shit like that. Okay, if you ARE on Lithium, I’m sorry, but maybe you didn’t take it today.
I’m going right out to get The Cellist of Sarajevo, because of what you said. I’m driving a lot, back and forth from Toledo to Winston-Salem, about a 9 hour drive. I’ve been listening to books on tape. I’m sure I’ll love it if you did.
I am sooo impressed! It took me back to the days of Moonlighting- really, you did good job!
I think it would be hilarious if you sent your script to both Cybil Shepard and Bruce Willis- you know, act as though you’re unaware the show is no longer on…see what happens?
LOL @ Mary’s comment. I actually think that’s an awesome idea!
I think your script was hysterical.
My sister just finished The Cellist of Sarajevo and is popping it into the mail to me as I type this. I can’t wait to get my hands on it because I’ve heard so many wonderful things about it and your recommendation seals the deal for me.
Now I’m off to catch up on some of your other posts. I’ve been remiss in stopping by lately…lack of electricity and all.
Oh you posted it, yay! I love it, took me right back to the show. I also think that mary’s idea might generate a whole lot of fodder for your blog. Just sayin…
The scene at the spring getting the water still sticks with me. Such a good book, so spare and elegant.
That is great stuff–the dialogue between those two is PERFECTLY Perfect!
I loved Moonlighting!
The Cellist of Sarajevo is on my to-read list. I’ve heard such amazing things about it.
God, I miss Moonlighting.
Moonlight was the last word in snappy dialogue–you’ve captured it perfectly.
OK, wow, I want to read that book, the Cellist of Sarajevo.
Oooh, Bruce Willis when he was funny, but not bald. (I don’t mind him bald, but he’s much less funny now unless he’s on Letterman)