Here’s a list of posts by bloggers who participated in the mind-blowingly confusing blog carnival I wrote about last week:
Blognut wrote a pitch for a television series.
Cheri @ Blog This Mom! wrote a post describing a typical day in the life of her alternate self in a parallel universe.
G wrote about her favorite movie and why she loves it.
MommyTime wrote a post on her most embarrassing sports moment.
Stoneskin wrote a post about Elvis, a pink dressing gown, Election Day 2012 and Madison Square Garden in NYC (WHOOO!).
She wrote about her favorite city.
Katydidnot wrote about a day in her life if she were an animal.
Amanda wrote about wrote about the worst decision she thinks she’s made in her life and why — and her best decision.
Cactus Petunia wrote about a little thing that made her proud
San Diego Momma wrote about an unsuccessful high school outfit
Who’s Next?
MommyTime says
Here’s my post on an embarrassing sports moment: