This is a little more unorthodox than my usual PROMPTuesdays, only because I recently saw a list of 101 Things For A Mom Blogger to Write About, and the starter “The Best Book I Ever Read Was…” jumped out at me. Now I know it’s not a fresh topic, nor bawdy nor random, but I love this subject and I could really stand to add another domino to my teetering bedside table book collection. Also, I thought this topic — open to non-mom bloggers too; come to think of it — open to everyone, even non-bloggers (out there in the wild) — would encourage more people to participate this week. I hate thinking that anyone is too intimidated to post their stuff, and so I hope this week’s PROMPT removes your inhibitions.
So. What was the best book you’ve ever read and why? If you’d like to creative this week’s PROMPT up, write your post as a poem, in the voice of the main character, as a review, or a book jacket teaser.
Please post your submission in the comments OR post in your blog and leave a link to your blog in the comments.
In the meanwhile, if you’re new here, read a bit about this weekly writing exercise here.
Or, catch up on the archive here.
Also! Be sure to check out that great list of 101 Post Ideas For Your Mom Blog here.
My review of The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch is up –
This was a great idea – I can’t wait to see what everyone else does, my reading list needs a little inspiration.
You totally thought that I was dead, didn’t you? Here’s my book report.
I am going to have to THINK about this. DAMN. I have read a BAZILLION books, seeing as I’m a book whore, and it would be a tough, tough call.
I couldn’t put down Stephen King’s On Writing- and any of his. But, let me think.
happy day!
Not quite enough time left of my lunch break to write a poem, or a book review, but the best book I ever read? Crumbs. And why? Crumbs again.
I could list so many. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay was simply awesome, but the book I read the quickest was The Day of The Jackal – ok, quite a boys’ book really, but I first read it when I was about 16 and read it in two sittings. Pure class.
Actually, scrap that.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide…,I’ve read that about 6 times.
Why? The pure genius of it all.
Actually, scrap that.
The Smoking Diaries (all of them) by Simon Gray. Why? Because they are so honest, intimate and funny. Inspirational – make me want to write more freely.
Oh, never mind all this, I could go on for ever saying “scrap that”, and then listing another book.
Scrap that. I’ll go with Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton, ‘cos it is so wacky, meandering, truth mixed with the bizarrest illustrations.
ooh, i really like 101 post ideas thing…
also? i don’t read books, so i can’t participate in this week’s prompt. heh.
I’m up. I think maybe I cheated. (wink)
If you know my son’s name, you know my answer. I’ll be playing this one ;)
This post is not within the PrompTuesday rules, but I figure my comment is so it counts.
Take a look here at the book that changed my life.
ONE favorite? Whaaaa?
I do not wish to have to explain why I like this book, it simply should stand that I do. It does not matter that you do not see things as I do. After all, if a woman is not true to herself, what does she have? Do not let the critics dissuade you, do not bow down to the masses, do not change your mind because you think you should. Change your mind because you can. Still, and above it all, stay who you are, my friend. Stay who you are while becoming who you were meant to be.
p.s. For more books I have known and loved, check this out.
gods in alabama. it made me think i could write one too.
Homer Meets the Scarlet Pimpernel?
Tell me, O muse, of the novel that told the tale of that English hero who traveled to France after the revolution. Many cities did he visit, but he ventured into Paris whose people had taken up the custom of executing aristocrats. He undertook hardship while trying to save those condemned and took great risks to bring his men safely home. His courage pleased the gods but do what he might do to save others, he could not cast off his shame for having married the beautiful Marguerite who betrayed the Marquis de St. Cyr. Lost in sadness, he almost perished through the folly of his spot in outwitting the bloodthirsty citizens. A wonderous story, tell me too, about all these things, O daughter of Jove, from whatsoever source you may know them.
So now the elusive Pimpernel who escaped death discovered that lovely Marguerite did not willingly betray St.Cyr but betrayed the Pimpernel to save her brother Armand but then confesses to Sir Percy who is the Pimpernel but she does not know this and only after Sir Percy secretly leaves for France to save Armand does Athena reveal to Marguerite that Sir Percy was indeed the heroic Pimpernel prompting Marguerite to leave for France to save Percy. And though he was longing to return to his wife and country, he was detained by the ungodly Chauvelin, who had got him trapped in an inn and wanted to capture him. But Percy outsmarts Chauvelin. And the gods smiled and settled that Percy and Marguerite should return to England; and then when he arrived at his native shore that Percy and Marguerite would live happily ever after.
I missed the opportunity to work in “and Dawn spread out her rose-tipped fingers…”
This is hilarious because I just finished my post for tomorrow and scheduled it to go up in the morning, and then started taking a tour of all the blogs in my reader that I need to catch up on — and darned if the post all set to go up tomorrow isn’t “the best book I’ve read recently”!!
I can’t possibly say what the best book I’ve ever read was, since there are too many wonderful ones. But this is a pretty funny coincidence.
For the longest time it was, hands down, West with the Night by Beryl Markham.
I haven’t read it in years so I’m not entirely sure it would hold up but I bet it does. She was a real firecracker and played fast and loose with the different between fact and fiction.
Phooey. Frick. Darn. I did my PROMPTuesday on Tuesday, not say TARDY Wednesday or NotPROMPThursday. But do I remember to post a link on Tuesday? PhooeyFrickDarn no.
Blog This Mom!’s PROMPTuesday P.O.E.M. in the voice of the main character is here.
Oh man. This is like asking a nymphomaniac which lover she liked best. I don’t even know where to begin . . .
Okay. I made the attempt! The link above will give you, not my favorite book of ALL, but the one that has been a favorite the LONGEST. :)
Fascinating pick, San Diego Momma. Remind me to tell you about a super-creepy, addictive, and visually intoxicating console game I played that uses her writings as a springboard.
Last Place Finisher: A reader after my own heart. We must swap reading lists. . .
I am very late to the game, but at least I showed up with my pom poms and a smile. That counts, right?
And while the book I write about may not be my favorite book of all time, it certainly had quite an impact on me. Just writing about it has suddenly made me feel all of two or three years old again.