Would you like to avoid the blank stares you get when you tell people about your blog?
Do you want to legitimize the hours you spend Twittering and commenting?
Would you like to educate your friends in the “real world” that “blog” is not a rancid swamp or tasteless British ale?
Then, welcome to my next giveaway.
My good friend, Myra has generously offered 50 blog calling cards (actually, these cards are good for business owners, moms, or anyone who wants to look cool and in control of their destiny) for my next giveaway.
The photo you see above is one that Myra designed for San Diego Momma, but check out all the designs she has here. She’s amazingly talented and creative.
But let’s say you don’t want 50 calling cards. Let’s say you are busily getting ready for the holidays (over achiever), or don’t have a blog (you, with the healthy life balance) and would instead love 50 beautifully designed gift labels to impress your friends and family. As Myra says, “these fabulous little cards can be used for gift labels when printed as stickers, or as gift enclosures. They’re perfect for customizing with your own wording, so go crazy!”
Perfect. Now, let me sum up. Today’s giveaway is for either 50 calling cards OR 50 gift enclosures/labels from one of my absolutely favorite designers. What you need to do is visit her studio blog here, and subscribe to her feed to receive news of her latest and greatest designs. (I’ve already been busy drooling over Myra’s holiday designs, and I don’t even START my Christmas cards until mid-December. That’s the effect Myra has on me.)
This giveaway is open until Monday at 5PM. I’ll select a lucky winner at random.
Meanwhile…some important links:
Myra’s Studio Blog. Subscribe there.
Myra’s Calling Card Designs. Drool there.
Myra’s Gift Card Label/Enclosure Designs. More drooling here.
The notecards I ordered from Myra over the summer for your unadulterated adoration.
Good luck!
p.s. And for those who don’t win this particular time, Myra is awesomely offering everyone else 10% off a $35 purchase from her site. Check it out here.
Oooo. How purdy.
I don’t know if a “blog calling card” will eliminate the blank stares I get when I tell people about my blog (which I never do), BUT, they are very, very pretty! I’m in!
Pick Me..Pick me!! So cool! Consider me entered!
I went to visit and I subscribed.
Now send me my prize.
Subscribed! I’m buying my domain name (right now!) and really, really want these!
I subscribed. This is a great giveaway.
hey hey now! “tasteless British ale”? I loves me some Boddington’s, yes I do!
I clicked.
I drooled.
I signed up!
I’m already subscribed. LOL. And don’t enter me! Myra and I already have big, fat plans of our own. Neener.
Drooled and subscribed.
I always love to know new designers (I work in marketing).
Did I tell you we used to live in La Jolla?
I’m glad you have the word coolio on your site — I say this a lot and my husband gives me blank stares.
Those gift enclosures might just have finally made me excited about presenting this year. Pick me! Pick me! :)
Okay. I’m in. Now following Myra’s feed on my Netvibes.
(rubbing hands, smacking lips, gimme, gimme, gimme)
Greedily yours,
I consider myself a “pro” blogger so I have been dying to get some cards!! These are so perfect! I subscribed by email!!
Oh the clever people. I admire their creativity!
I get the blank stares AFTER they read my blahg.
I clicked, drooled and remembered that I subscribed to her a long time ago(but forgot about my google reader, I am such a dope). So PICK ME!
you’re a good friend. I’m on my way over…….
i totally dig the card, but i must know where i enter to win friends. where?
oh, right, i already entered that and won you and cheri. so i’m in for the cards.
I heart Myra – love her blog, her writing, her sense of humor…and of course she’s a FABULOUS designer too. Some people have all the luck.
Why’d all the fun stuff happen while I was laid up and without internet? Huh? HUH? It’s a conspiracy, I tell ya!