The fantawonderful couple, Paul and the Cocktail Maven, recently proposed a PROMPTuesday idea, which caught my fancy, so I’m making it official here.
As they wrote:
William Carlos Williams’s poem “This is just to say...” is basically about people who know they are supposed to say I’m sorry and apologize — but skirt the apology itself. Here’s the poem:
This Is Just to Say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
So the PROMPT for today is to wrote your own version of the poem.
And today? No rules again. So go crazy! (Within reasonable limits of course.)
Meanwhile, if you’ve got the time, read past PROMPTuesdays here.
Ooh, I like. Thanks.
I LOVE this poem! Ever hear Billy Collins read it in his flagging monotone? Somehow it sparkles, even still. Thanks — I’ll give it a shot.
— Laurie @ Foolery
oh dear
a poem
that is to say
i like poems
to read
but forgive me
for not writing
a poem
of my own
Um yeah, what Kate said.
Besides, The Retreat made my brain explode earlier and I’m still quite busy scraping pieces of gray matter off of the walls and ceiling.
And then if that weren’t enough, I had another lesson on how I don’t speak English, but American and that Merriam Webster is a “right wanker who wouldn’t know a knicker from a knob!”
The gene is absent
which would have lent
itself to decent material
if I hadn’t already
expended gray matter
all over my cozy abode.
I’ve furrowed my brow
and wrinkled my nose
in frustration but
alas I must apologize
for leaving you
without a pretty
posey of a poem.
Who Me?
Oh yes
I did say I would write
But alas
It seems that I need
A good kick in the ass
Forgive me
I write on my blog everyday
I will join Prompt Tuesday
Another day.
I would write
if I could remember
how to parse phrases
for poetry
But I have children
and therefore no memory.
They are to blame
for my lack of ingredients in the pantry
and for my forgetting
Suzy’s mommy’s name.
I love this poem. I will see what I can come up and come back.
When you said
you loved me
I meant to answer
and should have nodded
or something
Maybe a kiss
or a hug
for luck
This is just to say
I accidentally sprayed
the plums
that are in
the icebox
with ant spray
Yup, those plums
that I’ve been
for breakfast
So stupid of me
they looked so delicious
Would you mind
throwing them away for me?
*BEEP! If you’re happy with this message, press pound.*
Plums? What do I know from Plums? Unless you’re talking about Stephanie Plum who is possibly my favorite heroine ever.
I apologize
but I have to go back
into the house
and wash my hands
Some stupid cat pooped
in the garden and
while waiting for you
I tried to clean it up
but got it all over my hands
Please entertain
the baby who is fussy
already strapped in her car seat
Damn cat
I wrote this as if it were being written by a serial killer. I hope you don’t mind.
This is just to say . . .
I have filled the freezer
with your splendid body parts
that I took from your charming yet lifeless body.
Forgive me — but your hands were so lovely
and they had been upon me so passionately the night before.
I could not bear to part with them.
And your cute, natty dreads — and soft lips.
Your head with the still surprised look on its brow.
I’ll preserve my memories of our short time together.
You were so sweet — and are now so cold.
— Jeffrey Dahlmer Carlos Williams
Loving all the early entries! Weeee doggie!
(Too much Jed Clampett, I know.)
I love it–one of these days I will play.
This Is Just to Say
I have broken
the eggs
that were in
the fridge
you had promised
to make me
Forgive me
they’re all broken
so wet
and empty..
I’m obsessed with posting my PROMPTuesdays on my blog and linking from here. I’m a nut like that.
Here it is:
So funny, but when I saw the title of this prompt, I thought of the William Carlos Williams poem. :) Will post later.
The plums were round
The plums were cold
My fingers reached
And then enclosed
I couldn’t stop
My hunger pains
Until the plums
Were down my drain.
My husband decided to take a stab at this one. Cheers!
I dedicate this to my darling husband:
This is just to say
I have used
your razor
that was
in the shower
for which
you had
a new blade
forgive me
it was so sharp
and I
so hairy
I’ve always adored that poem.
This is just to say
That while you ate your plums
And I drank my coffee
I hated you for inviting your mother to come along with us to Disney World.
I will not say another word
Now that I know you’ve heard
You ate all the plums?
I’ll try the peaches.
Oh. This spot?
The one I just slipped into?
In the front of the lot?
I did not think it your intent
I saw no signal
A nod? Not.
I squelched my hunch
The gas I hit
As I saw you mouth
Oh shit
Please accept from me
This paltry apology
I posted it on my blog too, but here:
The salt is gone
The couch is covered.
You’ve begun to shout.
I wish I had listened,
and not been naughty.
Now I’m in time-out.
I realize now
that salt may taste good,
but it’s not to be poured on the couch.
I don’t think I did it right, but here is mine.
only once a week
we gather to meet
and sit in that room
where the fan brings gloom
to hear Gods word
to praise the joy
we slowly file in
to sit and grin
for now it’s time to begin
and oh my
i wish i could fly
for as I pass you by
my mind freezes
i hear the breezes
as I fumble for your name
only once a week
we gather to meet
forgive me
for not knowing your name.
Blog This Mom! submits her PROMPTuesday #18: For Laura’s Big Sisters
Here it is. Better later than never!
I feel parts II & III coming on. It’s been that kind of a day.
Oh this was a prolific PROMPT. Thanks Cocktail Maven and Paul!
There’s some freaking talent here in them thar comments.
Awesome writing everyone!
I tried to come up with a poem but I’m so intimidated by the crowd here that no poetic verse can come out. Maybe someday when no one is watching, I’ll be able to compose.
Flat cat . . .
He: “Pardon me sir.
I regret to inform you
That I have struck and slain
Your cat. However,
I would like to replace it.”
Me: “That would be fine.
Can you catch mice?”