Today I saved my daughter’s preschool. She’s so proud of me. And in the process, I role modeled toughness, resilience, and pull-your-bootstraps-uppitude. Plus: I did it all Charlie’s Angels style. So what happened is some kid who I feel sorry for (she wears flip flops in the rain and her mom doesn’t strap…Continue Reading
Well, I Tried.
It’s just that I’m having a hard time. I sincerely feel hormonally rocked right now, and it’s just so frustrating. Ever since my second pregnancy, my hormones have been whacked. I had my doctor test them, because surely something was off, but the test came back within “normal limits.” Which was baffling. …Continue Reading
PMS Update
You know what? I deleted this post, which was up for all of 30 minutes. I don’t feel like giving the PMS more power. So there, PMS. I don’t feel like getting into the argument over the weekend, the amount of ice cream and popcorn eaten. And steak. And the great,…Continue Reading
Coats Aplenty, Coats Galore
So these two jackets from the Goodwill? Awesome. I mean. Just. Awesome. I get this floaty feeling inside when I think of them, and when I wear them and when I consider that combined, they cost me $15. The black trench shown above is Old Navy and I bought it NEW for…Continue Reading
Master of the Bittersweet Smile
Just like her momma.
Sunday’s Playlist: All A-Jumble
ALSO: Ends/Everlast I Feel Alright/Steve Earle For a Dancer/Jackson Browne with Venice
A Place To Call Home
I love my house, I really do. (I also love my town. I want to do a photo walk of its main drag one day, because it’s such an interesting street. Bums! Hippies! Surfers! And I would NOT have it any other way.) But my main point for now: my house is great.…Continue Reading
I Love This Poem
Disillusionment Of Ten O’Clock The houses are haunted By white night-gowns. None are green, Or purple with green rings, Or green with yellow rings, Or yellow with blue rings. None of them are strange, With socks of lace And beaded ceintures. People are not going To dream of baboons and periwinkles. Only, here and…Continue Reading
Rarty Mix. Or, Some of the Best Kid’s Songs Out There
For Toot’s recent birthday, I gave out mix CDs of some of her favorite songs. They’re her favorites because I told her they were, but she does seem to like them on her own, too. Which is a plus. I’m not crafty. I’ve said it before, but need to say it again, because…Continue Reading
JW Tumbles is Happening
A few weeks ago, we celebrated Toots’ birthday party at our local JW Tumbles (Pt. Loma). It made me wonder why I ever do stuff for birthday parties. Things like planning and preparing and cooking and assembling and shopping. I just didn’t need to with JW Tumbles and let me say, the opportunity…Continue Reading
What is the Word? Oh Yeah. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Today did not go down easy. My exposed nerves pulsated and twitched and despite all, someone kept scraping them with a callous remover. Those are the someones above. Today was the opposite of a sensory deprivation tank. Rather, it was an IMAX theater of scrambling kids falling off beds, crawling onto my…Continue Reading
On the Topic of Eating Well
Toots: What’s for lunch? Me: (thinking fast on my feet) Uh, something good. Toots: And healthy? (Oh, my sweet little pupil!) Me: Yes. Good AND healthy. Toots: How about pepperoni salad?