Welcome! It’s warm and sunny here in SundayLand, is it not? Also, did you just get back from church? Being that it’s Sunday, I thought maybe you had. Or perhaps you just had a Sunday brunch? Or a Sunday walk with the family? Better yet, did you just have a…Continue Reading
Just Watch It
My contribution to Absolutely Banana’s “Make Me Laugh Mondays” is earnest, funny, sweet, head-scratching, ridiculous. But in the best way possible. We Are the World In Japan Now I ask you: do I really need a Sunday’s Playlist with that kind of melodius goodness?
Saturday Snippets
Last night, our friends celebrated their five-year wedding anniversary with a party. It’d probably be cuter if I showed them together. There were other kissy pictures too. But because I made them do this 500 times and only one of the photos turned out, this is what we get. …Continue Reading
And A Great Swarm of Bees Shall Arise
I’m driving home from work today when I notice a little bee clinging to my driver’s side window. Now, I don’t like bees much, as I don’t prefer spiders, or any other insect that is an insect so I have to force myself to stay calm, because even though he’s outside the car, we…Continue Reading
Final Answer
Thanks Deborah, Matter of Fact Mommy, Rose, Jenn, Mommyrella, Vered, Steph and Angela! For those who left their input after the event I attended last night, I’m glad you agreed with everyone else…and Mommyrella…next time, I’m going for the tights and the jewelry! Loved that! Angela: I like the boots, too. But the dress was…Continue Reading
Wardrobe Challenged: Please Help!
OK, should I go with the round-toe pumps? Or the boots? Coat yes or no? I’m wearing the dress to a “cocktails in historic places” get together and most people wear vintage. Like, heavy duty vintage. We’re talking pillbox hats, flapper duds and pancake makeup. So last question: do…Continue Reading
Just Got Off the Phone
Right when I finished the post below, my friend called to say she’d just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Please send happy light rays into the universe on her behalf. Her attitude remains positive and she says a simple surgery and some radiation should kill the disease, but she has two small children…Continue Reading
Blah, Blah, Blah
My throat hurts, my kids yell, my head aches, my nose swells, my eyes burn, my uterus thickens. Also, I’m tired. In addition, I planned a Mom’s Night Out for my mommy group at a local wine bar and I’m not company-worthy or conversational. Thirdly, I didn’t understand Paranormal State on Monday night and…Continue Reading
Play Foam
My friend, Farrah, gave this to Toots for her 4th birthday, and can I just say, “thank you“? And for a proper re-enactment of how I might say that, please shout it using all your lung capacity. Because this entertains Toots (and Booger, who as you probably will guess, promptly shoved some of…Continue Reading
Mediate, Part 1
Next on my “Road to Oprah” list is “meditate.” I’ve dabbled in this before, and I can say I felt some benefit. But I didn’t stick to it. Surprised? (Have you read this website?) So my plan is to start with 5 minutes of meditation a day. For the first week, I will…Continue Reading
Learning to Forgive: The End?
Learning to Forgive, Pts. 1-3 are here. I really really don’t want to write this today. But I will. Because I must. I had high hopes for this one. And I think it went OK, just not as well as I’d hoped. A part of me truly believed forgiveness would be easier. But…Continue Reading
The Grotto
I remember the old wooden box Its tarnished screen inlaid on top That coveted elusive box Such hallowed metal inside Shimmering on the dresser, breathless, unopened Ali Baba’s cave Opened by magic No one’s rightful treasure Yet I heard stories whispered and shamed The upstaged engagement ring Guilt necklace bought in a rush…Continue Reading