Do you remember how I went on and on about this, and then this? How I so smugly threw about the words, “chickpea?” and “organic” and “no white sugar” and bladdedy blahblah? Well, today, this happened: OK, actually the three things on the right happened on Sunday. And also today. And…Continue Reading
Can I Ask A Quick Question?
I’m wondering if I’m a crack mom for not enrolling Toots in any classes this year. Last summer, we tried ballet, and she’s been on and off in Gymstars…but have there been any classes you’ve put your kids in that you’ve loved and/or that taught them discipline and to stop talking about killing things? …Continue Reading
I Have a Dream. (201st Post!)
I have but few dreams. Firstly, I’d like to finish my middle grade book, sell it, make enough money to live comfortably in San Diego, have a pool like Cheri’s, and support my family churning out Harry Potter-esque books in my fully automated custom-made sunlit writer’s/inventor’s (just because) loft. I’d also like to open…Continue Reading
Is it good or bad that in certain circles I’m known as the “gallbladder blog?”
Like Mother, Like Daughter (dba Should I Worry?)
Me, at the dinner table: OK, everyone tell me about their day. My four year-old-daughter, Toots: A real day or an imaginary day? Me, playing along: An imaginary day. Toots: OK, so there was this monster, and… (pausing)…Mommy? Can I say the word ‘killed’ just this once? (holding her finger up in…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #5: It’s All in the Tone
First of all, let me say, thanks. Your participation in PROMPTuesdays has been inspirational, fun, heartbreaking, thought-provoking and motivational. Just as good writing should be. And I appreciate it. I also hope to appeal to the lurkers and encourage you to submit something for PROMPTuesdays. There’s so judgment here and we’d all love to…Continue Reading
It’s noon here in San Diego and everybody in my family is asleep. I tried to close my eyes for awhile, but had so many things running through my head and then Merle Haggard did gone and woke me up for good. I wish you could see me now: laptop perched on lap, bear…Continue Reading
That’s Just Not a Sell for Me
“Nothing tastes as ‘chickeny’ as a chicken in the crockpot!”
I totally got into a fight at Legoland. Wait, let me word that in a more mature fashion: I entered into an altercation at Legoland. I’ve always been one to champion the underdog. I’ll have to write about this later. Right after I pick the curly straws out of my butt. …Continue Reading
It’s Best to Leave it At This
I’ve been out in the real world for days now, with no Internet connection, Twitter, or e-mail access and it’s been weird. I’m actually not speaking in acronyms or hitting “Enter” after I make a comment. And I wrote a long post all about how I went to the zoo and the beach and…Continue Reading
Flowery Bullet Points
Sinus Infection: Manufactured enough snot to feed an entire colony of bone-eating snot flowers. I realize that for this sentence to work, it should be: snot-eating bone flowers. But I’m not a scientist. (Or a marine biologist?) If I were, I’d opt for a totally different naming convention for weird things, like “Weird Thing with…Continue Reading
Supa Fly Park
Does anyone know of a good park in San Diego with slides and see saws (do they not make those anymore? are we THAT afraid of injury and liability these days?), clean bathrooms nearby and non-be-dog-pooped grass? Would also like play structures appropriate for 2-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. Plus a wine drinking fountain.