Keep the party going! (Songs courtesy of Modern Single Momma and Single Working Mommy. BlogHerNot 2008 courtesy of Mommy Pie.) SeeqPod – Playable Search
Certified Joss Stalker
I love Joss Whedon. You should too. http://www.drhorrible. com/plan.html Kizz at 117 Hudson turned me on to this, and for that, she’s my new blog stalkee.
Into The Worm Hole
Most Sundays I take the girls to the library. It’s an unexpected day for the library to be open, so it’s often empty and uncrowded. Usually, we start our excursion with a coffee/smoothie/chocolate milk pick-up, then make it to the library when it opens at 1. Sometimes, we wait outside on the lawn in the…Continue Reading
Figaro! Figaro!
Today is Opera Day for San Diego Momma. I do not know why. But it came to me in a dream and I don’t like to mess with my higher consciousness. So…. (***tuning up****) la la la la la la la***** ****do re mi fa so la ti do***** ***tru tru tru***** Nah.…Continue Reading
BlogHer? La La La La La I Can’t Hear You!
Don’t mind me! I’m just hurriedly preparing for all the other things I’ll be doing this weekend instead of BlogHer. I’ve got BlogHerNot 2008: The Revolution, and BitchHer 2008: The Devolution, and all kinds of things in between. Like shopping for a bathing suit that is not Gap, circa 1995 (the last…Continue Reading
The Five Stages of Blogging
Please note that the below represents my perspective and is not reflective of any well-adjusted, unmedicated bloggers out there. I call this piece, The Arc of a Blogger Stage 1: Denial Examples – “I can live perfectly well without my blog. It has not consumed my life. I do not live each day…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #13: Finish It
First time to PROMPTuesday? Read a bit about it here. Want to see what’s been written in the past? Catch up on the PROMPTuesdays archive here. In the meantime, for today’s exercise, I’d love you to add to the sentences provided below. Complete the paragraph and continue the story. ********************************************************************************** “Wait!” I…Continue Reading
Window Into the Soul
So Myra at We Make Three does this incredibly cool segment called Mixtape Mondays, where she picks a blogger and asks them to share some of the songs they’ve got on their iPod. And this Monday, she asked me to do it… So in honor of Mixtape Monday, I’d like to share the titles…Continue Reading
My Home “Office”
Today, I’m participating in Manager Mom’s “Open Your Office” Blogoopalooza, which asks bloggers to let readers into their office, where all the blog addiction writing happens. So to that end, I’m posting a few photos of my inner sanctum, my special place, my out-of-the-way retreat located smack dab at the… kitchen table.…Continue Reading
Veggie “Tails”
Would you eat this obscene carrot? Or send it to Las Vegas?
Banner Day
One day last June, I wrote a post about things I like. Kind of like Oprah, but with way less mass appeal and melanin. In particular, I liked this necklace: And I threatened to pretty much dismember anybody who bought it (“now you have no neck! mwah ha ha! how you gonna…Continue Reading
Mrs. Bojangles
I’m quite unable to complete thoughts today. Also, yesterday. Not sure why, but I’m flat-out ill-equipped to connect subject matter or compose sensical paragraphs. It’s as if my brain waves are spiking and dipping and each time I try to catch one in my net, it flutters away. Thus, I did not complete yesterday’s prompt…and…Continue Reading