Words elude, weary of running. But I will continue to write. The luster is dim, the veneer chipped and dinged. But I will continue to write. I fear what’s next, barriers busted, re-erected. But I will continue to write. I avoid the spark, embers cool, then darken. But…Continue Reading
I Want to Be Funny
Man! First the pre-flight anxiety and now Rebecca. The humor gods seem to be conspiring against me. So I guess I’ll give an update instead of going for the funny. Rebecca is good. She’s taken off her ankle bandages (herself!) (in the middle of the night!) and defiantly pulled out her IVs. Her ankle…Continue Reading
Deep Sigh
Found out this morning that my teacher, muse, and mother figure, Rebecca, is in the hospital. I didn’t know for a week, and when I got there this morning, seeing her prone took my breath away. I knew when I started seeing her 7 years ago, when she was 87, that she might get…Continue Reading
Trip Report
There’s so much to say. First of all, I’m going to write about my pre-flight anxiety in a separate post, because it was big and bold and ultimately, beautiful. One thing I almost wrote here before I left, was that I’d rather die in the air, than live afraid on the ground, but the…Continue Reading
PROMPTuesday #27: Trippin’
For today’s PROMPTuesday, I ask that you write about a trip or an excursion that left you changed in some way. Did you conquer a fear on your trip? Learn something about yourself? Learn something about another person? Break up? Get together? Consider hospital time for the largest walking blister this side of Manhattan?…Continue Reading
I’m Home
(I took this picture from my plane with my eyes closed. No need to remind myself that I was 39,000 miles up in the air.) Thanks so much for your prayers and good thoughts! I’m home and that means I actually got on a plane twice. TW-ICE. Thanks to my guest posters,…Continue Reading
Good Humor Girl
Cheri at Blog this Mom! is the first San Diego blogger I read after starting San Diego Momma this past winter. She be-charmed me with her dry wit, quiet genius and spectacular writing. It was through Cheri that I met the Blog Bitches and I am forever haunted by thankful for that. I believe that…Continue Reading
Quirky Blogger in the HOUSE!
(Steph’s “professional pic.”) (The one I prefer.) I love my Steph. I could leave it at that and be perfectly happy. But then, you wouldn’t know how we met, or how we fell in love, or any of the saucy details, so I’ll continue. I began San Diego Momma officially in…Continue Reading
You know when you read someone and instantly you’re aware that you’re in the presence of amazing grace? That person for me is Tinsenpup. I found her through Five Star Friday, several months ago and I’ve been bugging her ever since. I can’t express how I feel about her writing — it’s just heartbreaking and…Continue Reading
Have You Lost Weight?
Guest poster, Da Goddess, was my first blog friend WAY BACK in 2002. I was just six months into the blog that won’t be named and I reached out to her for support and advice. She adopted me right away, unselfishly sharing links, help, companionship, anything I needed to make me feel more welcome. The…Continue Reading
Baby, it’s cold inside.
What can I say about Mommy Pie that you haven’t already heard me go on and on about? Let’s see. I love her? No. I’ve said that before. Hmmm…She’s my psychic twin? Also, probably heard me say that. Gosh, I’m running out of glowing new commentary. Let me leave it at this: Mommy Pie was…Continue Reading
Here I Go
OK, I’m leaving for New York in less than 10 hours. Would you all think happy thoughts for me and say a prayer or two? I’ll tweet my safe (I hope! I hope! I hope!) arrival… p.s. Some fabulous guest posters are lined up during my absence. Can’t wait for you to read…Continue Reading