I want you to know that I’m super conflicted about posting this here. However, in the end, I try to practice what I preach. I’ve repeatedly written that I’m one of those people who will tell you everything if you ask. I aim to be honest and real and open.
Even if the honest and real and open is ugly.
I do think we can all relate to the ugly parts in each other. I don’t like to keep mine hidden. Because then they scab over and scar. I’m holding my parts up to the sun in the hopes they’ll fall off and die. (That’s where I lost this metaphor.)
Here is the article I appeared in today.
I’m still processing it all.
Deb, you are an incredibly open, honest and genuine person. You truly are and that’s what is so wonderfully attractive about you. Any article written about you is amazing, in my humble opinion.
I’d still like you to hire Morg and I for your PR team though. #ScaredButtViaOvershare
1) Your photo RULES.
2) Your honesty always makes me admire you.
3) I am so thankful I never went all the way to Twitter.
4) This post was a gut check for me.
Now that I have the iPhone and it’s just so easy to be on Twitter all day, it’s become kind of obsessive. Don’t tell my boss. I have my phone next to my keyboard and check it all day.
A brutally honest post, I appreciate you sharing this.
I am going to read it (though it violates my rule of not reading The Reader) because I am so impressed with you.
I admire your honesty and respect your willingness to put yourself out there, warts and all.
(Or I suppose “girl mustache” is more appropriate.)
Either way, I can say with total certainty:
I would not forget you.
I think honesty requires the occasional peek into the ugly. Being willing to expose any part of yourself, along with the beautiful heart of who you are is a delicate and gorgeous balance. I find your honesty so liberating! (Hugs)Indigo
Man, it was like I was reading an interview with myself, only with a husband who seems to treat the obsession a little more lightly.
Don’t you ever just dream of walking away from it all? I do. But then I’d probably want to tweet about it.
One of the rare wonderful things in people: truth telling and authenticity.
VERY RARE in the world.
On my way.
I think honest, open, and real is beautiful and so are you. Big HUGS to you!
I think honest, open, and real is beautiful and so are you. Big HUGS to you!
Wow! I applaud your honesty.
Deb, it’s not ugly. So put that out of your mind. This is the world we live in. It does get overwhelming and weird and anxiety-producing. I definitely do not use social media as much as I “should” in order to stay connected with my readers and promote my blog. But it just makes me nuts if I try to do that. We all do what we can and what we want to do. I don’t think you should beat yourself up over it. I love to read your posts and tweets. I would miss them. But I would never forget you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for these comments that I treasure and rub like a salve over my oversharey body. XOXOXOXOX
My 2 cents: Your blog is your “work”. Being involved with social media, checking stats, tweeting, and so on, is your JOB. Just like my husband goes to an office and checks emails, talks to co-workers (sometimes about work, sometimes not), checks email again, crunches numbers, etc. MY work (in addition to taking care of my kids and home, of course) is my blog. But especially for you…because your blog (and the social media that you interact with to drive traffic) brings in an income for your family. Isn’t it interesting that blogging/social media is considered frivolous when it’s “a woman’s work”? It’s not like you’re pissing away the hours, you’re interacting in a way that promotes conversation, keeps your work relevant, and ultimately provides financially for your family. I’m all for balancing work and family, but I just feel like what you’re doing is no different than when my husband comes home from work and checks his phone for work email at the dinner table. Yes it bugs me sometimes that he’s still working, but then I try to remember that he is making an income for US. He’s doing his job, and so are you. Not to mention, you are lucky enough to work doing something that you love…writing, being creative, interacting. I’ve struggled with this too, but have started telling my 2 yr old “Mommy is working” when he sees me steal a few minutes online to blog/FB, etc. Mommy’s work is important too, even though it’s done at home. Just needed to throw my 2 cents your way, because I admire your blogging “work”, and want to make sure that you’re giving YOURSELF the credit you deserve ;) Keep workin mama, cause we sure want to keep reading!!
Oh man, somebody get me off my soapbox, but I have one more thing to add :) The picture on the front and the Twitter Addict tee? This is your WORK! It’s not a hobby or an addiction that has gone too far! Now if you were making exactly 7 cents a month from your blog (like ahem, me) then I could see the concern. But you’re making a decent amount of money! The feminist side of me is worked up about this, because the article reads like “silly woman, doing this silly blogging thing”. Your work matters. It connects people. It informs people. It inspires other people to write. Ok, I’m stopping now because you’re going to think I’m insane. Just had to give you my unsolicited feedback so you know that many people view you as a professional who is simply doing what other professionals in her field do. And I’m sure you take great care of your kids, too. Geesh.
I’m so, so glad that you posted this, Deb. I love your raw honesty and I cringed a little at all of the relatable parts.
Much love to you, my very unforgettable friend.
Oh Deb.
When I got my first check from blogging 2 years after I started, my DH sat up and took notice. Lets say it was an impressive check for a hobby. When that revenue resource dried up so did his support of my social media activities. Fortunately I don’t do what I do for his approval….I do it for the same reason you do: to be remembered, for the affirmation. So I raise my glass to you my friend. For owning your place here.
PS. Where can I get that shirt?
I <3 you.
Not ugly. At all. It’s honest and I admire that. Also, you are one of the nicest people I’ve encountered on Twitter. I’m so glad you posted this. And love the photo!!
I checked out your blog because I saw the Reader article. I am a bit reclusive when it comes to social media, and it shows in my blog. I can’t or won’t stay glued to the computer and I think only one person actually reads my blog. It takes a lot of time and effort to get a following, and if that is the way you support yourself, you shouldn’t feel bad about throwing yourself into your work.
Find a balance; don’t forget your family, but your family needs to understand that their lifestyle is maintained by the work that you do.
I agree with Jenn @ Juggling’s comment over on the article. We won’t forget about you. Absolutely couldn’t! That being said, it does ebb and flow and you’ll go through cycles and your work, like the web series right now, will dictate some of that. You’re all right, lady. I love that people are getting to see what you do.